Chapter 42

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Camila's POV

We left the airport without being spotted, which was great. I don't know how I would handle the paparazzi being in my face and shouting rude things at me like in London.

Chris picked us up in a fancy red and black mustang, it must be his new car. Chris was driving while Lauren and I were cuddled up in the backseat. We were probably annoying him with all our lovey dovey mush.

Lauren dropped Chris off at home and drove the car to my house which I thought was really weird, wasn't this Chris' car?

Lauren grabbed my bags and brought them into my house. It was quiet until I saw Dinah coming down the steps.

"Hey Di-" Lauren began to say before she was cut of by a slap on the cheek. "What the he-" she was cut off again by another slap. I quickly jumped in and pushed Dinah away from Lauren. "Dinah, what are you doing?!" I yelled. Why the hell was she hitting my girlfriend?

"You fucking cheater!" She shouted at Lauren completely ignoring me. She tried to lunge at Lauren again but I prevented her from doing so. Lauren was holding her cheek as I blocked Dinah from coming at her, which was pretty hard considering she's a lot bigger and stronger than me. "I saw those pictures! How could you do that to Mila?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed in anger. "She didn't cheat on me Dinah!" I snapped. Dinah looked confused. "But... those pictures...." She said as her face contorted.

"Were from 2 years ago." Lauren finished, still holding her cheek. I grabbed her hand and took her into the kitchen. I grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer and placed it on on her cheek. "Is that better?" I asked and she nodded with an appreciative smile.

I left the kitchen to see Dinah sitting on the couch with a confused expression on her face. "What the hell Dinah?" I asked, my tone a little harsher than intended. "I'm sorry Mila, I saw those pictures and I just got so upset that she might have hurt you and once I saw her, I just snapped." I nodded. "I appreciate that but I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." I said, she understood and made her way into the kitchen.

Lauren was stood against the sink with the ice pack I gave her held against the cheek Dinah slapped . Once she saw Dinah she immediately jumped away and practically ran for the hills. "Don't hit me again!" She shouted, I kind of found it funny that she was running away from Dinah but could beat up my father and the paparazzi, but was afraid of my best friend. "I would never hurt Camz!" She explained, making as much space as could be between her and Dinah. I honestly wanted to laugh but that'd be really rude of me. Lauren looks genuinely scared of Dinah.

Dinah smiled apologetically. "I know Lauren, I'm sorry for hitting you. That was totally out of place." She apologized. Lauren seemed to relax after Dinah's admission. "It's fine DJ, that was one mean slap though." She chuckled and so did Dinah. "I really am sorry Lauren, it's just Mila is my best friend and I can't stand anyone hurting her."

"I get it Dinah, it's okay, really." Lauren smiled. "Just.... don't do it again." Dinah nodded.

I walked over to Lauren and wrapped my arms around her waist and looked up at her since she was taller. "Does your cheek hurt baby?" I asked and she nodded with a pout. "Want me to kiss it better?" She nodded again and moved the ice pack away. I placed my lips on her cheek gently and lingered there for a moment. "Better?" I asked, she shook her head and pointed to her lips and pouted like a 3 year old.

I giggled, she's too cute. I took her bottom lip between mine. Her hands clasped my neck as she kissed me passionately. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and explored the warm area. Our tongues fought for dominance and Lauren won. She grabbed my bottom lip between her teeth and nibbled on it.

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