Chapter 46

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Camila's POV

Today was the day for formal and I was extremely excited and sad at the same time. Excited because it seems like it'll be fun, sad because my girlfriend can't make it.

She texted me earlier and told me I better take a lot of pictures or else.

Planet Green Eyes💍💕: You better take a lot of pictures, I don't want to miss out on you looking all dolled up!

Me: i won't babe❤️

Planet Green Eyes💍💕: Good, can't wait to see what my beautiful baby is wearing.

I felt my face blush.

Planet Green Eyes💍💕: And make sure you let everyone you know that you are TAKEN, that you are MINE, got that? I don't want anyone else trying to touch you.

I giggled but let her know that she had nothing to worry about. The only person that I want is her, she's the only person I'll ever want and nothing will change that. I'm completely and will forever be hers.

I heard a knock on my door as I was setting out my dress. Dinah walked in alongside Jacob.

"What if I had of been naked Cheechee?" She just laughed and shrugged. "It's not like I haven't seen any of it before." We both laughed at that because it was true, we've seen each other naked plenty of times. "Wait, hold up," Jacob said putting up his hand, "what does she mean bye that?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow. "I thought you were dating Lauren?" Me and Dinah burst out laughing. "Dude, we've been skinny dipping before!" I said though laughs. "Nothing like what you're thinking." I giggled again. "And plus, Walz isn't my type." Dinah said and made a disgusted face and stuck her tongue out. "Whatever!" I pushed her, "You wish you could get a piece of this Cuban ass!" We both burst out in laughs again.

"You excited for tonight Jakey?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at him, he rolled his eyes but his cheeks turned red. He finally had the courage to ask his crush out on a date and he said yes. "Shut up Mila! What if he doesn't like me?" He exclaimed then pouted. "Just show Shawn a good time, he already likes you. There's nothing to be worried about." I advised with a smile and he nodded. "He said yes so he likes you Jakeyboy." I pinched the younger boy's reddened cheeks. "Thanks Mila." He said as he sat down on a bean bag chair.

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" I asked noticing their sudden pop up. "We're getting dressed here, duh!" Dinah stated the obvious and pointed to her dress as Jacob pointed to his suit. I nodded.

"There's 3 bathrooms, I'll take the one in my mom's room, Di, you can get the one in here and Jakey you get the one downstairs." They each grabbed their things and headed off into the respective bathrooms.

It took each of us about an hour and 30 minutes to get ready separately then another hour together. Jacob curled my hair and Dinah did my make-up.

I looked in the mirror to see that I actually looked decent. I took a couple of mirror photos, some with DJ and Jakey. I sent them to Lauren but I got no response, which was odd.

It was going on 7pm and Hailee should be here in about 15 minutes. Ever since Lauren told me about how she was feeling with me around Hailee, I've been trying to keep my distance from her but still be friends with her. I don't want to lead her on and think I like her back in that way.

I heard a honk of the horn signaling that she was now down stairs. I grabbed my purse and got into her car with Dinah and Jacob who sat in the back.

"Wow Mila, you look..... so beautiful." Hailee complimented. I smiled. "You look good too Hailz." I replied and I saw her cheeks tint pink. "Not as good as you though Mila." She quirked, I didn't know what to say. When I didn't say anything back she cleared her throat and placed her hands on the steering wheel.

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