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James and I are watching tv then my phone rings. It's francesco! "Hey baby!!" I said. "Hey beautiful! How was your show?!" Francesco answered. "It was great! I had a good time. I miss you though." "Good! And I miss you too. What're you doing now?" He asked. "...I'm at Franco's apartment. We're watching movies." "Oh..I don't know if I'm okay with you being there, by yourself." Francesco says. I get up then walk to the kitchen to were James can't hear. "We're just watching movies babe. He's acting fine." I said. "Yeah then the next minute he'll try to make a move!! And no one is there to protect you if he does." Francesco replied.

"I don't need anyone to protect me Francesco." I said. "Lana I said I don't want you there! Fucking listen to me!" Francesco yelled. "Ok. I'll leave! You don't have to be a dick about it." I said hanging up. I don't know who he thinks he is yelling at me like he's my dad. I walk back over to James "Something wrong?" Ask's. "Yeah, I have to go. I'm sorry. Francesco isnt okay with me being here." I said. "Oh..okay. I understand, I'll walk you out." James said getting up.

"I had a good time though. Thanks for coming to the show." I said. "Me too, and no problem. I'll text you. " James said. "Okay. Bye!" I said hugging him. "Cya" he replied. I get into my car and look at my phone. I have 2 missed calls from Francesco and he's calling me right now.

"What" I answered. "Why did you hang up on me!" Francesco said. "Because you were being an ass!" I replied. "No I wasn't, I just wanted you to leave!" "I was going to the first time you said to. Then you had to yell and cuss at me." I said. "I don't think I was over reacting, you didn't even ask me if you could go to his apartment." Francesco said.

"Francesco I don't have to ask your permission every time I want to do something. You're my boyfriend not my dad, if you don't think you over reacted when you yelled at me then I have nothing else to say to you." I replied. "Well I don't think I did." He said. "Whatever. I'll talk to you later." I said hanging up.

It's about 11:30 and I just knocked on Charlie's apartment door. "Hey Lanz!" Charlie said hugging me. "Hey!" I said hugging him back. "You ok? You look down." Charlie asked as we walk inside. "I'm fine, francesco and I just had a little fight but it's nothing major." "Do I need to beat him up?" Charlie said. "No not yet" I said laughing.

Charlie and I talk for a while then we decide to go to sleep because it's 1:00 am. "Sorry I don't have a guest room" Charlie says. "That's okay, you know I like sofas better anyways." I reply. "Alright, night! See you tomorrow." "Night!" I said laying down on the sofa and getting in my covers. I can't believe Francesco doesn't even feel sorry. That makes me mad. I look at my phone to see if he's texted me but he hasn't. He's probably to pissed off. I fly home tomorrow night but I won't get there until tomorrow morning.

The next morning I wake up to the smell of pancakes and charlie singing. I get up then walk to the kitchen "that smells so good." I said putting my head in my hands. "You never come to my place so I figured when you do I should make you breakfast." Charlie said laughing. "Well you should invite me over more often." I said smiling.

"Soo I have a question for you" charlie says. "What is it?!" "Well, my girlfriend Katy really wants to meet you, she's a really big fan. And I've never liked anyone this much before, as you know you guys never meet my girlfriends, but I don't think she's going to be temporary. I want you to meet her." Charlie says. "Aw! That's so sweet. I'd be happy to meet her. I'm so happy for you charlie!" I replied. "Thanks! I really like her. Oh and she should be here in an hour." "That's so sweet. And I better get ready then!"

I'm getting ready in Charlie's bathroom. I still haven't heard from Francesco. I was going to text him but I always text him first when we're in a fight. It's his turn. I'm so happy Charlie found someone, he dates a lot of people but the fact that he wants me to meet her is cool, she must be so different. The fact that she's a huge fan of mine scares me though, I always have that thought in the back of my head that she's dating him to get to me. But I'll see when I meet her.

It's 12:30 and Katy knocks on the door. Charlie goes to open it and I stand up from the sofa. "Hey baby!!" Charlie says. I see him hugging her and she says "hey babe!" Her voice is really soft and she sounds sweet. She has long black hair and bright green eyes. She's skinny with a big butt. She has a tattoo on her arm that says "Freedom" Hmm. They walk over to me and charlie says "Katy this is lana, lana this is katy, my girlfriend." "Hi!! I'm a huge fan" katy says sticking out her hand. "Family hugs!" I said hugging her. "And thank you! That's sweet." I added.

"When charlie said his sister was lana I was like aw like lana del rey and he was like yeah exactly, that's her! I freaked out haha. Your music has been a huge inspiration to me." Katy says. We're sitting on the sofa and charlie is holding her hand. I laugh then say "that's so sweet! Thank you so much. Charlie has talked so good about you that I had to meet you!" I replied.

"Aw babe" Katy said smiling at charlie. He blushes then I say "how long have you guys been dating?!" "7 months!" Katy said. "Oh nice. Have you met Chuck yet?" I replied. "Who??" Katy said. "Uh...Chuck, Mine and Charlie's sister." "Oh right, sorry I'm bad at names! No not yet. But I'm hoping to soon!" Katy says. "Oh okay. Yeah you'll love Chuck!" I replied. "I'm sure I will! Charlie talks about her all the time too."

After we all talk for a while, we decide to go eat somewhere. I like katy so far, she's nice and is sweet to charlie. "Lana would you mind taking a picture with me really quick?!" Katy asks. "Sure.." I said. Katy runs over to me and sits next to me "babe will you take the picture?" She asks charlie. "Sure!" He's says. She smiles really big and I smile too. Charlie takes the picture then we leave to go eat.

We're in a cafe eating and I look at my phone, still nothing from francesco. "Have you talked to him?" Charlie ask's noticing me constantly checking my phone. "No..not today." I said. "Talk to who!?" Katy asked. "My boyfriend. We kinda had a little disagreement but it's all good." I said. "Oh. I'm sorry!" She said. "It's fine" I replied. "We haven't had our first fight yet" Charlie said. "And I hope we don't soon" Katy replied laughing. "Those are always fun" I said sarcastically.

It's 7:30 and I spent the whole day with Katy and Charlie. I'm about to leave for the airport. "I had such a good time with you guys. Thanks for having me." I said hugging them both. "You know you're always welcomed!" Charlie said. "It was really nice to meet you Lana! Hopefully I'll see you again." Katy said.

"Definitely! You should come to a show with charlie one day!" I said. "Oh my god that would be amazing!!" Katy said. "Just tell me which one and I'll put you on the guest list." "Okay! Wow thank you." She said. "No problem. Bye guys" "bye Lanz!" Charlie said. Charlie closes the door and katy says "she is so cool." Charlie laughs then says "she sure is."

I'm on the plane and still nothing from Francesco. I'll see him tomorrow morning though. I get a text from blake saying "thank you again for introducing me to James. He followed me on Instagram!!" Aww I didn't know james did that. Blake is so excited! "Of course! I'm glad you liked him, that would have been disappointing if you met him and he was a douche lol x" I replied. "Hahahah true. See you @ the next show!"

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