Lethargic Mirror

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I see reflections of men in the camps of fire. Molding souls into figurines
Shards of glass cut my heels as I walk into this line of service
In puddles of oil, I saw what could have been
The fact that I will forget my reflection makes me nervous

I see reflections of years of service that I did
Giving my all in futile efforts
Steel and volts won. Steam was hid
A city inside the forts

I see reflections of women being selected for breeding
Only the sharpest, strongest and mischievous were chosen
Day in and day out, I heard and saw their bleeding and pleading
How broken, beaten, and scarred. The image in my brain is frozen

I see reflections of war, of peace, wood combined with steel
A desert, a giant forest, the ocean, and, perhaps, myself
So many memories, so many shards to glue together and conceal
This mirror has become lethargic. Separated and living by itself

It won't reflect anymore. Doesn't even shine with the sun or moon's light
I cast a black light into it and it shows a white shadow
It seems I was right
I shatter the mirror and see the reflection of the self I forgo

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