Men Cry Too

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Tonight, the frights of moonlight won't deter me
My goal is a solution to all of this
I got to clear all this debris
To find the cure before her dismiss

With a zone this big, it is hard to even find my footing among all this junk
But I remember the arc, which isn't here anymore...
What a load of bunk!
Her time is running out and I am not even on the ground floor!

Not only do I have to deal with the streets, but something more is behind all of this
That guy and the girl are dealing with it I guess, but I gotta do my part too!
Every time I see her, she is at my throat. Well, I can't help but reminisce
The times when I was the one at the other guy's guts trying to protect her from the zoo

She says that it's complicated. But I don't see what's complicated about trying to kill your brother from another non-existent mother
She wasn't this cold before... in fact, it was the opposite. Well, only with me, at any rate
I cried every time someone hurt her, not because she was the one getting hurt, but because I felt bad for the people doing bad things to her just for her appearance and being called one of the "Other"
She and I must get things straight

This mystery, those two, what happened to her, the zoo, and now a clock is ticking down
I cry in frustration and anger, my incapacity of getting everything in line and cleared up
Every night, I try my best! But it isn't enough. One day, I ran into a little girl in town
She offered me a teacup

"Hello, are you feeling well?" She said to me
"Perhaps this will cheer you up!" As she asks me to repair an old Teddy Bear
I said that it was ok. The age of that thing reminds me of what I am fighting for in this reality...
"Men cry too." She says while cleaning off the tears of a nostalgic man's stare

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