The Beginning Of The End (IV/X)

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With nature's blessings in tow and we in her debt, we can only turn to ourselves and ask ourselves one thing. If, with the world spinning its proper course, why are we still so distant between us and yet connected through technologies beyond our wildest imaginations?

The answer is found in our relationships, and, most importantly, in the meaning of loss and love. Yes. When we no longer need goods to keep us happy, we find the next step in our discoveries about ourselves. What we want. What we truly desire. Company, approval, somewhere to belong, someone to care for or being cared for. What does finite mean? If the things we use have a lifespan and we replace them as they need it, why must living things die? Do they also need to be replaced? Or are they something irreplaceable in the eyes of an individual?

When beauty does not present itself, it is often found hidden in the grotesque, wouldn't you agree? I happen to find the most beautiful of things in something everyone is destined to experience in their lives at least once, death. Death does not mean the end. Death does not mean unfulfillment. Nonetheless, it does mean one thing and one alone. Transition.

Something has reached its purpose and now must be let go so that something else is placed in its absence. Be it tangible or not. Living or not. It is a change. A change that no one is above it. Everyone will happen across it. Be it their own, or someone and or something else's. What is that change I speak of? It is a change of cognition.

The acceptance of something that is going to happen and what we will do after it. How are we going to deal with it? How deep will it affect us or the world around us? Like I said, a transition between how we perceived things and where before it happened, and how we are after it. Are we the same as before? Or are we something else entirely? How strong was our connection with it? How much did we influence it and influenced us back?

I do not have the answer to life. No one does and no one will be. No one will ever know what happens after we die or after something else dies, like a flower or an animal. But I do know the answer to one thing, death.

But, to speak of death as something so trivial and natural as breathing, one must first understand what makes it so vital to our existence. Regardless if you comprehend it rapidly or not, it is something tied to our subconscious. Something as complicated as death itself, or, perhaps, not so much. Do you know what love and the loss of it truly mean? Have you already experienced it? It doesn't take a century to see it. Much less, it neither takes a grand gesture nor the biggest of theatrics to feel the weight of it or to express empathy for it.

As someone I used to know once told me, love is ephemeral. It does not have a shape. But, you can both feel it and see it when you truly comprehend it. When it is lost, it takes the form of that comprehension. Of what you loved. As tested by time itself, you truly don't know the value of what you have until you lose it, right? The value, as in the weight you carried, and now, it is crushing you. Empathy serves as an outsider's shoulder for you to share your weight and help you carry it up to a certain distance. It does not mean that you will burden them with your weight forever. Why? Because yours is not the only weight they carry. You are not the only person borrowing one of their shoulders. Others are too. Also, they have their weight to carry as well. People only have two shoulders, you know?

But what about their arms? Their back, or even neck, you say. Well, their arms serve as a cradle for newborns or those who cannot walk life alone. Their backs are saddles for the harsh and heavy supplies they deliver to the unfortunate that, also, double up as shields against nature's spikes. Finally, their necks permit them to stir their sights and locate others that need help. So, are you going to bind them even more with your weight, or are you going to carry it yourself while also lending your shoulder to them in return?

Loss means getting rid of the weight of the heart. To truly love and have loved something and or someone is to carry the fleeting weight of it until it perishes and saddle yourself with its memory. Always keep weight in you. For you are to remain grounded by it to reality and transition yourself to another after it becomes cherished memories and not the mementos of a haunting past. Mementos of misery and isolation that lift you and fly you to the heavens to try and reach that weight that you let go, only to realize that there are nothing but clouds above and the light of a sun that blinds the truth and burns you to cinders.

Well, do you understand? Love is not something we call in the name of when we do stupid things. Is what we recall when we miss something that we lost but have memories in their stead. We cannot love things that we don't remember, right? Love is to carry, let die, and loosen the weights in our hearts by shaping them into memories.

This is going to be a long subject, so I'm going to divide it into parts for a better understanding of it all. Next up, change itself. After it, what happens to the things we leave behind? Do they stay in us, or do they disappear? An introductory dive into the meaning of the past. Finally, the loneliness of the human heart after everything is taken from it and never replaced.

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