Queen Bee And The Badass

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A chick
Or a dude

Hanging low with the elephant's nose, or bouncing high with melon's sly
Life's on easy mode when you are a sexy, cute, mean, and virtual girl, right?
Doesn't compare to the hardships of being a big ol' ugly, average guy
I just wanted a female companion. But the fame we got gave them all fright

We suffer oppression. Rapes, murders, and injustice spread around the world
Just because I worked for an image like mine doesn't give you the right to claim me
I dress on dresses, march on boots and don the women's word
Doesn't matter what I do, my spirit's will shall never be free

A typical nine to five at the graveyards' shift
Scraping by to gain enough to feed my soul and sustain my roof
Maybe I will save up just enough to give her a gift
Then again, she might be bulletproof

I wake up every morning with the fear of a thousand stares at my legs and breast
I'm proud of it, but my body ain't an object to gorge over
I go to work as an actress but get paid like a janitor. I should've guessed
Cleaning pipes and opening clams, I got a Ph.D. as a leftover

Saving and saving what little I can
For a change of life, I shall purchase
Wipeout this unwritten criminal record that was placed on us since life began
My friends' backs, no words. Even bans from the churches

I can endure no more. Fellow females trash around spreading "justice" for us
Men rape me daily and even girls spit on me for the line of work I was forced into
A stranger's baby grew in me. I had it. Alex, a neutral name to avoid pain and future fuss
Today, I quit. Break the barrier of the sexes and start anew with a grand debut

He lives just around the corner from my house
Today's the day
My appointment went well and it has been 6 months since I became the stronger spouse
Full of scares, with no job or money to speak of, I will tell him to stay

There's a woman down the road. She just moved in by the looks of it
Maybe she will be my friend. An accolade to fight this uphill battle
Women's rights and the equalization of men always need one more wit
I will visit her. It is time to leave this antenatal

The cursed queen and the lonely badass met
She smiled at him. Him, a bouquet of flowers
Alex carried the bouquet while the two of them talked about a novelette
Two souls. Expelled from life's grandeur like scours

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