Ernesh Menahem

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An absolute determination to live and protect
Perhaps, this one will be a bit more of a normal story
A simple effect
Inside a dormitory

Sometimes, symbolic. Sometimes, quite literal
But the sense of dread hangs from us all when faced with an illness
Unable to leave his room, the door felt littoral
Diagnosed from birth, he lived in sadness

It is normal for biological and genetic problems to pass down to the offspring
But, mental conditions are rare indeed. Especially in a controlled environment
He was often found drawing. Sometimes, alone. In the dark. Dancing
It was a sort of cope mechanism. A way of hiding detriment

Inside his sketchbook, portraits of himself
As days went on, he painted himself differently each time
Sometimes happy, sometimes sad. Sometimes without a sense of oneself
But every time he did, he resembled a mime

Muted. Only able to play with invisible things
Then draw reality
Having no vocal cords, your hands become your strings
But walls can not see. They can only feel your plea

His twentieth birthday was approaching
Old enough to see his mother
The door opened not with food, but with a letter. Grabbing it felt encroaching
The contents were dismal. A birthday present in form of knowledge from another

The man was waiting outside the facility
He stepped out of there, knowing death became delimited
Time started moving again with grieve and a struggle for stability
A sketchbook dream became unlimited

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