Royal Flush Of Flowers

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Ever wondered what it is like to feel someone else's warmth and care?
To share a cup of coffee while saying "Morning!" to one another
That sweet face of them, flustered with rose cheeks that, kissing...I can't help but dare
To run away with them, to everlasting love far away over yonder!

To never see the light again
In their arms, I can eternally rest
To trade my soul to them, my life's bargain
Someday, we both will fly away from the nest

To be part of this society
bound to this place be family roots
I want to be free of this city
I've found my princess: A Lillie to her angel looks

Ravaged by spades
Trapped in this so-called club
Like diamonds, we were business trades
Our hearts, victims of strub

But, how can we do that?
Castaways by life's cruel rules
Wearing masks to hide our heart
We wait until death comes

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