One Mile Away, But One Hundred Years Apart

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The psychological warfare rages on as we speak, my dear
Rather than steel and smoke on the field, minds clash in a game of chess called politics
Every morning, I see you from the cameras. A beauty crystal clear
A love forged one mile away, but one hundred years apart from the sticks

I go to sleep at night hoping that one day I might embrace you again on a bed
We grew up together, and it seems we will die separated from one another
They promised me a perfect life for both of us! That is what they said
Now I lose my humanity a little more every day. I forget our earth-mother

In my spare time, I carve a figurine of you out of the junk that ends up at the border
It is bittersweet. Seeing you made out of steel. Stay where you are, don't come for me
My fate was sealed the moment a turned to a life beyond ourselves. When I answered the order
We may live one mile away from each other, but we live our lives one hundred years apart

I remember using branches to sew together our clothes
That wet, hot steam used to power our house
RAM and SSD over coal and bronze is what I chose
An eternal, devoid life made of cold steel over my loving spouse

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