Tough Bro

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Here they come, stumbling their way through life's hardships just to reach and protect you
Dorky by nature and a bit of a goof sometimes, these fathers of ours are really special
Calm like a river and strong like an ox, they jump out in from of danger with no previous clue
Seriously, they only need to get aerial!

Competing for who has the best-grilled beef, who can repair faster
Who is the last one to get a crack on its back
They even clash for the title of "Dad Jokes Master"
Honestly, these goofballs even burst a laugh with the word thwack

They scare death with just a glare
They break the moon and fix it right up all while drinking coffees
They feel superhuman I swear!
Not scared by hell itself, put a puppy crying in front of them, and they are just a bunch of softies!

They grow different from our mothers. Life tends to be harder for females, but males grow in chivalry and power to protect and sustain the weak ones. Their minds are sharpened with the knowledge and love of life, but what truly sticks to a man's heart is the endurance and the courage it takes to overwhelm the odds and give their loved ones a life as free from pain as possible. They may not be (sometimes) the smartest, they may sometimes be a lot more strict and not caring towards us. At times, it would seem that they even no longer love us and are trying to distance themselves from us. But that can't be farther from the truth.

To be a father is to understand, care for, give, protect, encourage, support, and build a life for their loved ones based on life's hardest trials. To toughen up and not break down when things get hard and seem impossible. They show us the true meaning of strength just as mothers show us what love means. They are what they are:

A bunch of goofy, strong, and just men. And, hey, there really can't be a better bro than your good ol' man.

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