A Carousel In This Maze Of Life

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It feels like a carousel spinning frantically inside a maze called life, you know?
Everyone starts in different positions and at different speeds
But we all try to go to the end of this maze before the ride becomes too slow
We take paths and turns to see all of their leads

Sometimes we get lost. Turned around in a dead-end
We spin the carousel to see a different angle
Rare sights that make us comprehend
That life thrives on making us dangle

We encounter friends, family, and loved ones
They too, try to find the exit while on a different horse
We can't stay still while everyone runs,
We must keep spinning in this circular course

A maze made out of mind
We can never truly escape it and see outside of it
It shall forever be a question to elude all mankind
To open doors that lead further in and face that which we are afraid to admit

In this maze of life
All of us are born
In this carousel, spinning to reach the afterlife
We take the horse to what we were sworn to be reborn

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