The Beginning Of The End (I/X)

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Everything ends when we turn to a power beyond our capabilities. The classic of the strong dominating the weak. Those in power keep everyone oppressed and at their beck and call. Corruption runs wild while poverty and inequality destroy the people from within. Take a look at your world, nay, your very neighborhood. Someone, anyone, at this very moment, might be suffering some kind of injustice towards them or to someone they care about. I say might be because the world is not always black and white, right?

Exactly. It is that very thought that constructs the foundation of every society. Some might be struggling, but how do you pinpoint them out of billions of the world?

We form a democracy to combat injustices against our principles, not the principles. We try to not get our bias in the way of judgment, but, in the end, we always default back to what we think is right, right? To what we were taught is right. No one even considers the possibility of the other person's needs, motives, or even consequences. No. We only think about the greater good at the expense of their good, which, might involve not only themselves but the people they are doing it for.

The power to dictate someone else's fate should not be put on people with prejudices, bias, self-righteousness, or that prioritize their lives before the judged. Those people are not judges. They are executioners. An executioner with power is at its most dangerous, you know? Strip them of said power, however, and they are nothing more but remorseful, vengeful, hypocrites. Well, assuming they didn't steal a life's worth of resources before being removed from their positions. Oh, and, by the way, removing them does nothing because someone else that they know always takes their place and ensures its predecessor doesn't go to waste through accords, which, are illegal. Do you think that being removed, stripped from their power and position is a blow to them? A surprise that they weren't prepared for? Come on, even a rat as lowly as they come knows how to survive without food. Scroungers, thieves, the lot of them.

Speaking of power, do you happen to know what happens when good people somehow enter contact with it? Yes, they either plummet into corruption and become one of many, or they get killed before they do any real change to the never-ending system. There's always a bigger fish.

People just don't know what to do when they know they can do something. They don't know their power. Their way of making a dent. Of making a change. And, even if they knew, they don't know how to use it. But I know. I know I'm no mere fish in a pond. No. I'm a shark with a whole ocean to explore and consume the rotten corpses that pollute our waters. Our city.

I intend to rid Cyfoes of the vermin that has long infested it. Even if it means becoming a rat myself, I shall purge our city, our world, from them. Then, and only then, men will know the true power of sacrifice and redemption. The people will know what it takes to sink so low just to reach the clogged bottom and clean it up for the new, crystal-clear water to pour. When that is done, the new aqueducts I built shall provide for them and not for me. Because a sewer-soaked rat cannot live among them. I first must clean myself, purge myself, so that I may rise from the bottom and greet them with a clean handshake.

Power is not a blessing. Is a commitment. A curse for the strong and competent, but an opportunity for the feeble. Power is built from the efforts of many and not the will of an individual. Power to the people, right? Ironic that, for that to happen, one and only one must first rise to take it and then give it to them. One they choose out of themselves.

When you think about it that way; if everyone has the same power, the same capabilities, the same goals, the same backgrounds, the same everything. Does it make a difference who they choose to represent them and give them what they need? What makes me worth more than you? My accomplishments? The efforts we each put toward something? Actually, yes.

At the end of everything, when all is said and done, people live by their results. They compare themselves with others to see just how big of an impact they make. If, what they did, truly does something worthwhile for themselves and or others. That's where the truth about power lies.

Power is a reward. A reward that is given by results acknowledged by ourselves and the world.

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