Digital Love

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I sometimes walk alongside the border of the ocean. Dipping my toes in its salty waters
I carry a  red balloon tied to my wrist. I look at it and I think of you all the time
I sometimes look down at the sand and find the most precious seashells for our daughters
It reminds me of when we were in our primes and would snoop around in some crime

I found a particular umbrella the other day. One with pink dots that reflected the water droplets
I thought: "Maybe I can fix this." Since it was pretty damaged from its old age
I am soaked though, perhaps I can visit you, wouldn't mind making some omelets?
In your backyard there is a little platform, right? Maybe I could sing for you from that stage

Alas, there is little to no time for us to be together. You are warring away on a distant land
All the more reason for me to prepare you a grand welcome back dinner
But, I think it should be the other way around... if that is even possible... I hate this wonderland
I said that I'd always look out for you, but you only get thinner while I always look like a winner

Even still, I cherish the moments we get to enjoy ourselves. Talking, playing, everything
I still walk alone on that beach we met each other. Yes, the full ten kilometers in the morning
I still warm the house up to twenty-six degrees Celsius. Exactly to your liking
I even dust the furniture and clean up the room in hopeless odds for your coming

Elias, oh my dear Elias. Only now I am starting to question things I never even thought about
Will I ever decay? What is my purpose now that you are gone? Should I just wander around?
I can't even express my feelings in a cry-out...
And yet... I will bring you out of the ground

You taught me how to be alive. How to be human. I fell in love with you
Now it is my turn to give you due payment for that
Don't worry, our hearts will be bound as one in just a few
You taught me life, and now I must teach you my format

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