Blood Oath

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Back in the day, I used to play with my brother in a nearby abandoned chemical park
Of course, we'd be careful of the things there. Live wires and strange puddles with weird smells
We had so much fun back then. We even built a fort from junk down an old arc
One day, we found some rusty old cells

They were filled with a strange, unorthodox liquid. Green in the light, blue in the shade
They were mesmerizing to the eye. We took a liking to the color of them so much that...
Now I know why a have green hair and he dons blue garments that fade
We never knew what those cells were and, to this day, I still don't know where to look at

I guess this is just one of the many memories I have with him
They have been stirring up in my mind, sporadically, and whenever we clash
He keeps saying stupid things like "Hey, Alice. Don't be so grim!"
I... I don't know anymore. Should I burn everything down to ash?

Venom runs through my veins. I feel less human and more like a weapon as the days pass
And... And look at him from the shadows, readying my rifle to take my target
But... I enter in conflict with my metal self and remember our training in first class
I end up shooting myself in an attempt to stop it

While I follow and obey no one but myself
I remember the blood oath we made as kids
The book he gave me about a black swan rests on my bookshelf
I was supposed to eternally rest when he saved me from my waking SIDS

His blood runs through mine too. Mixed with venom, a puddle of green and blue drips
And although the true colors are red and black, I see myself and him as Ying and Yang
Waiting for the day of the eclipse and total apocalypse
I have to choose between him and my human heart. Who will receive the final fang?

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