Too Sleepy To Write A Title

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What are you doing in here?
There is nothing to see here and zero writings
I ain't no Shakespeare
So bug off and end the sightings

Writing something meaningful that attracts people's attention is hard
So I do not bother
If you are still reading this, you must be pretty diehard
Look, there are others

Why? Maybe I am too much of a sleeper. Perhaps I just do not care enough
Ideas and fantastic literature do not grow on trees, you know?
Even now, I find it tough
So that is why I just go with the flow

Slacking off is nothing to be ashamed about
I just see it as me preparing for when the time comes to do something
But, if there is someone else that could do it, I may as well bale out
Like this thing here! Someone else is writing it for me like it is nothing

You are reading, right now! Something that was not even written by me, you see?
So, why must I bother writing myself if I can just let someone else do it?
I know, I know. I should start with something small and stuff to get me going on a spree
But the title of Shakespeare is not something someone like me must befit

Opportunities come by all the time, right? I will just grab the ones that are right in front of me
It is too much a hassle to go for the far, lofty, and rewarding ones
So I just find my comfort zone with carefree
And let life pass me by like a river's current erodes the stones

Memory FragmentsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora