The Beginning Of The End (II/X)

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If power is a reward for our results, then, how do we achieve them? The answer is education.

The basis of all civilizations. Without it, we can't be distinguished from simple animals, right? But, as with many things I'm going to discuss, education starts not with the enrollment of an individual into an institution, college, school, or any organization that furnishes information. No. It starts at home. Sure, we need to learn all sorts of things, and not all of those things are learned at home, but the ones that matter, like manners, normal human behavior, ethics, diligence, and, most importantly, understanding, reasoning, and empathy. Of course, not all people can educate themselves or others without the need for exterior help or resource. That's where the problem lies. What kind of help and or resource is truly essential for them? For us.

Some would say that general knowledge of everything is vital for the growth of a person. I say that that only produces jacks-of-all-trades but masters of none. Additionally, before one can become a jack, one must first know the foundations of their trades, right? In that aspect, our current system fails. It isn't about teaching subjects about science or mathematics, or even technology, all the way through. From the first day of kindergarten to right before graduation from college. No. It isn't about that. It's about teaching the basics of what permits us, humans, to survive in our environments and develop our societies into near-utopias. Things like agriculture, hunting, fishing, textile arts, combat arts for self-defense, construction and architecture, cooking, cleaning, survival tactics, task management, self-reflecting, and, of course, the basics of the basics, reading, writing, listening, and counting. Don't you agree? All of those things combined made our history what it is today.

I know it sounds ludicrous to think that, a child no less, would be able to learn everything to a fault. Trust me, I struggled too. But that's the thing. No one says that you have to learn everything quickly and efficiently before you turn twenty, just to make an example. No one says that, if you take your time and go through your studies thoroughly, at your pace, and ask for help whenever you need it, you would stagnate and become obsolete with old, rusty knowledge that serves no good to anyone. I say, that with any person that knows something, regardless of what it is, it serves, at the very least, as a teacher for someone else's willingness to learn. Just as everyone can learn, everyone can teach. You don't need a degree to show that you know. You only need to demonstrate. You don't need to excel. You don't have to be perfect at the things you do. You only need to show that you know enough for yourself first, and then, if you want, for others.

People learn together and teach each other. Who cares if you don't know about astronomy or the engineering of the most advanced administration systems. That's why we live more than twenty years. To learn the basics first, however long they take, and then, dedicate the remaining of our lives to the pursuit of specializations tailored to our wants and needs. Correct? Yes. We can only hope to decipher the mysteries of the universe, our oceans, our brains, and our surroundings once we fully comprehend the basics we need for said things.

We aren't in a timer. We aren't held at gunpoint. Much less, we aren't dying if we don't know how to achieve the best results that would satisfice our teachers. Satisfying ourselves with what we know comes first. After all, our best teacher and judge is ourselves. So why must we operate under a system that treats everyone as vessels to fill with the expectations of the masses?

We choose our studies after being taught the basics by either our models or ourselves. We choose what we want to learn after understanding their foundations. And we take the time we need with the resources we deserved to accomplish our goals. Whoever selfish they may be, as long as they don't hurt, trouble, or impede anyone. Or are illegal. You know, because common sense is a thing.

That's why, at the end of everything, I plan to develop free, well-equipped, crowd-funded, specialized schools across Cyfoes that teach the basics I just said to everyone and anyone, despite age, status, race, physical or mental disabilities, anything. And, after those, I will build hundreds of other schools and more advanced institutions, each, specializing in a particular subject (like robotics, civil affairs, agriculture, etcetera) so that only the people who truly want that knowledge can enter and no longer be jacks, but masters.

As a personal note, since it is a subject deeply tied to me, you can make mistakes your whole life as long as you learn from them, correct them, and master them eventually. However long it takes, whoever and whichever's help you need.

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