The Beginning Of The End (VII/X)

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Once everything remembers and acknowledges you, it expects you to be your ideal self while remaining true to your image. But, what is that idealism? Or what is being truthful to oneself? Can they be the same? Or are they based on a contradiction of one another? Ideals versus truths. I'm sure you remember the monkeys' phrase of not speaking, hearing nor seeing no evil, right? Or the one about the world not being black and white? Perhaps the one choosing the lesser of two evils? Or even the one about knowing the difference between what is truthful, what is ideal, or what is just? Well then, sometimes, you have to do evil in the eyes of one to do good for the soul of another. Sometimes you have to be on one side of history and call yourselves the winners, the ones in the right, while defeating the other side, the ones in the wrong. And, even sometimes, you have to be in the wrong to prove a point. But, most important of all, you have to do all those things because you think that's the correct thing to do. If your heart says is all well and good, then so be it, right? Being right or wrong doesn't have anything to do with being good or evil. Or if it is the correct thing to do or not. Regardless of your position, background, or how the world is around you, Being right or wrong is determined solely by the actions of someone.

Look at me. I'm an engineer, a doctor, a teacher, a politician. Also, a philanderer, and a visionary. I'm all those things because I want a change, not a reward. I don't care if I'm right or wrong by the end of my results and actions, I will do and continue to do all of those things that represent an aspect of quality and similarity between my ideals and my truths by upholding strict judgment upon them. I want to be seen by the eye of the beholder as a person and not just a role to follow and be practiced in idolatry. I'm no object to hold on a pedestal. I'm not shallow for you to fill me with your expectations, hopes, dreams, and desires. Be realistic. Have goals, not dreams. Have needs, not wants. You cannot be one or the other. You always will be a combination of both. Your ideal self, and your true self. All the while you alone are the judge of your actions. And, well, if you decreed yourself as being wrong, then you will have to do something to remedy that. Albeit proving a point and then amending, or learning from mistakes while casting punishment upon yourself. In the end, is all about owning up to your actions and or inactions.

Now then, if your actions conflict with the ones of others, a conversation is in time. A heart-to-heart between the leaders of nations, the bosses of organizations, you name it. Why? Because there's only one thing that is more powerful than actions. Words. More specifically, communication. The only correct way for things to happen is by having actions sprout from communications. Be it communications of agreements or disagreements, by respecting each other's views one can act while also respecting the points of others.

But, what happens when no one seems to understand nor agree with you? What happens if your actions sprout not from communication, but misunderstanding? That, as something that has happened to me, is something I call ignorance of the heart.

No one will misunderstand you. No one will disagree with you. As long as you wear your heart on your sleeve and speak your mind, you will remain true to yourself. If you are not truthful, your heart will be filled with your ignorance's ideals and be judged by outsiders instead of yourself. That is how an enemy is created. A deaf and blinded enemy of the people.

What happens to enemies? They either band together or pursue life alone because no one else will understand and accept them. They will stand tall as they think of their world, their views, their truths, and ideals, all of them, stand above the ones of the masses.

Speaking of standing tall, do you know what the peak of the world is called? Loneliness. A peaked loneliness where not even the cries of the world or the palpitations of your heart can reach you.

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