Shades Of Writing

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The author always tries to put their heart into what they write
Conveying emotions, feelings, events, and whatnot through their characters and storytelling
Sometimes, they feel that they need to rewrite
As to make it more compelling

The heroes, the villains, the background characters. They try to convey a specific thing with each of them
Happiness, sadness, accomplishment, love, emptiness, joy, hate. You name it
When they are well-written, it is easy to get where they are coming from
Sometimes, you place yourself in their shoes and feel like them quite a bit

Storytelling ain't that hard once you have everything that you need for your story
The what, the where, who, when, how. Those things
You get your scenarios, your characters, sprinkle some events, and viola! Extraordinary!
But sometimes, even though you have everything, it can feel tangled up in strings

Writing has many forms. Some take the appearance of an old fantasy world. Some take real life
It can be done through multiple tools such as good ol' writing letters, pictures, movements, sounds, feelings. Sometimes putting people inside of it
You can combine parts to make it a complex or simple thing. Happy endings or a never-ending strife
The fate of the world you created is what you see fit

Myself? I like to put something of everything spread out throughout my stories
A little bit of slow start that rapidly changes into a complex multi-layered shuffle
Enigmas, hardships, joyful times, love, challenges. A grand battle for territories
I made them. I made their lives. I put them in with a new perspective and made them go through my reshuffle

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