The Beginning Of The End (V/X)

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But, how exactly do we change and shape the weights of the heart? Yes. Change. Both inner and outer. Just as a river never stops flowing, we never stop changing. The greatest sin of all is not killing or thievery and such. No. Is total, complete stillness while life's madness happens and we refuse to move out of the way. We remain stagnant while others move on and, in the end, leave us all alone.

We need to change from what we were to what we want to be and make the effort to make that happen. As the weights of our hearts are shared between us, we must also change our footwear so that we don't hurt ourselves on the thorny path of life. Do you get it? Change means resisting stagnation. If we never move on from the things that hurt us, we will never stop hurting, being afraid, and, most importantly, will never make space for new things to come.

I get it. What makes me so sure that, by changing, there won't be any more suffering? That's the thing. Suffering never ends, but neither does change. You have to accept what comes to pass and venture into new experiences if you want to see the different aspects of every little thing. You have to get hurt to know that it hurts in the first place and, afterward, heal, and learn from it. Some might say to you that it hurts or that it doesn't. But, have you seen their scars or lack thereof? Don't be afraid of showing your experiences to others and, in doing so, help them understand.

Living is never easy. But we can make it easier if we take a changing stance in the face of adversity. By leaving the old behind while remembering it and not dragging it around. Then again, if the past is the foundation and the now leads to the tomorrow, where do we stand if we keep changing points of view and never sitting still to appreciate what's in front of us? That, I do not know.

No one knows where they stand until they see it from a different perspective. From there, they can evaluate if the change in position, the change they made, was truly the best option. They can see if they stand higher in their lives to see their walked path in their journey, or if they have sunk lower than before moving, thinking that they had reached a plateau.

All of this, is not limited to the aspects I talked about before, you know? It can be emotional change, physical change, even a location, a job, or a partner-in-life type of change. Life is not a singularity, and yet, all things in it are unique. People share their lives with others at the end of all things. And it's those shared aspects that glow the brightest in everyone's shadows. But, as this is as important as following the light that emits from our shared darknesses, we also must be careful not to blind each other. For we will go blindly on our journeys and end up lost in white shadows. 

That meaning, isolated from the pains that helped us change in the first place, leaving us stagnated all over again, as the faintest glimmer surrounded by total pitch-black darkness instead of the light of others.

Perhaps I went too deep, too philosophical, into this topic. As this is not a concept that is easy to comprehend or explain. So I hope I did my best trying to discuss change and what it implies in our lives. Next, let us dive into the foundations I mentioned earlier.

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