The Pink Sky

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Arriving just short, I find myself staring at clouds blocking my view of paradise
I wait
The clouds move fast to the east while I gamble which color will be reflected on my dice
One means blue as the ground below, two is red as the night itself. A six would be great

Turns out, the sky today felt like yellow was the choice to make
It is cute
Seeing how it blends with the orange moon and the black sun that swallows the milky lake
I feel the same. They do not go well together, but they blend anyway and surrealism bears fruit

A question is born. Does the water reflect the sky, or is it the other way around?
In a flat existence, light spreads as my brush sees fit
My heart. The king of sound
Through it, I shape realities unbeknownst to my eyes, I hear the weight of passion transmit

Do they go down? Or are they entangled with the leaves above?
I find a plain in which I fathom the tree's roots
The sky is clear today.  That beautiful pink shade is my wife's love
A white canvas is hard to see when you are blind, but imagination is one of art's strongest attributes

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