The Beginning Of The End (III/X)

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What do we do after we know enough and have the power to do something with it? We reward ourselves and or others. We sink into material attachment. Regardless if it is a tangible thing or not. Long gone are the days when we aspired toward purpose and accomplishment. Now, we only thrive if we achieve luxury. Luxury in the form of selfish knowledge to satisfy only our benefactors and obtain what we desire to touch, hear, and see. But not feel.

Working for something and working to get something are different things. We should strive for the first and only happen across the latter. We must first feel fulfillment in our goals and know that we did something to benefit our world and then be that our reward. We should procure tools for that purpose and that purpose alone. Not for our luxuries and amusements.

Perhaps this is a rather confusing topic to speak of since I seem to contradict myself now and again. But I assure you all, everything has an intent. A love hotel can be seen as a place to host the wildest of nights, or as a multi-room space to shelter unfortunate families and provide them with resources and a much-needed bed and blankets big enough for them all. A shower, full of soaps and shampoos for correct hygiene. A television for them to inform themselves about their world. As you all know, love can mean different things in different contexts. Lust? Or, perhaps, care? You get the idea by now, right?

There's nothing inherently wrong with material goods. It is only when we become attached to them and cannot live without them anymore that we fail to see their true utility. To use, share and understand their multiple applications. Then, give them to someone else and repeat the cycle until their lifespans end and replace them with new, better ones. Instead of that, we only keep, misuse, and treat them as heirlooms and standards that we must have to survive and fit into society.

We need to see our world, not as a trophy, but as a tool to make use of and live in harmony with. A symbiotic relationship. We have taken from it since the conception of humanity, but we have never given back to it. What good is my speech if it doesn't benefit everyone? Including our environments and the life that surrounds us. Not only do I want our people to exist and thrive in perfect accord with each other, but I also want them to live in a world they can call home. Why only advance our civilization when we can also advance our ecosystems for the better of its wildlife? Let nature do its thing, sure. But help it do it correctly and for the better of itself. Help it synergize with our city. Make our city compatible with nature's gifts. Nature's tools.

Speaking of, I intend to make Cyfoes the most advanced city in the entire world. Nothing will be impossible or a pipedream in it. Skyscrapers will be full of modernities that no one else can even dream of. All of them, with a purpose. Each floor will have a section for the better of humanity. Rooms that are dedicated to servers and computers that manage the information of our future. That sends it across other servers and technologies that need it for the people to progress in tandem with us. Keep highly sensitive things to ourselves and no one else. Not even the service providers or the third parties. Stuff like our sons' locations, our families' addresses, the keys to access our resources, our lives will be for us and us alone. Well, and the people we choose to share it with.

But why reach for the skies when we can also dig deep underground? Cyfoes' advancements will not be limited by the space around them. Massive networks of transportation for all of us to use, even housing and both research and development buildings will be constructed. All, without the selfish and grotesque mind of a vendor, of a thirsty, greedy entrepreneur. No. All of it. All of it will be free for everyone. Everyone fit enough for the role.

No soul under my watch will suffer because they didn't have enough money to buy something or the means to procure it. The economy is a thing. But I intend to disappear that word's meaning from our dictionary and make it a synonym for selflessness and autonomy.

But, as is with the other two previous subjects, I need to change the very core of the people first, and then, with them, bring about our new, ideal world. Where goods no longer are a necessity, but a tool for the good.

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