Frankenstein's Architecture

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So many different cultures and traditions all living in the same old world
At every corner, there is something new to see, smell and hear
People of all races with their flavors being hurled
It may be a bit too much for a sightseer

All that color, all the life in it. It would seem they get along pretty well
But, in reality, sometimes things just don't mix well and fall apart
There are wars, political issues, culture shocks, and the like for a spell
And even mixtures of ages long gone to start

I call this phenomenon "Frankenstein's Architecture" because of this
We form a monster of a world by stitching together lives that don't go together
Well, they could go together. If only ignorance wasn't bliss
And everyone acted like birds of a feather

Alas, this monster is weak to fire
The climate change and the constant flames of turmoil will burn it down to ashes
Only by getting new parts to stitch will we get out of this deadman's mire
People die and are replaced, the new kills the old, and all its rehashes

With no significant meaning or change, we just add to this monstrosity
New cities, new rules, governments that promise change, and people in power
Yet, we still live in animosity
Everyone only looks for themselves and points at others with glower

We stitch together parts of this world's decaying body
We build a Frankenstein's Architecture
With no coexistence, our fires disembody
And our monster of a world reaches its conjecture

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