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Bakugou walked you back to you house.
When you got home, you hopped in the shower and looked down at your thigh. A circular burn mark decorating it, it wasn't too big thank god, nothing serious but it stung when the water hit it. You slowly hovered your hands above the wound and concentrated on the water rushing down your leg, closing your eyes and letting energy flow from your finger tips to the water and wound. As you did this, you felt a sharp pain over the burn but when you opened my eyes you saw it was already healing, it would probably leave a small scar but in a few days it should be gone.
After getting out of the shower you cleaned the wound and wrapped it up in a bandage.

I'm gonna have to wear tights to school tomorrow or people are going to ask too many questions. Ugh.
You thought to yourself.

The rest of the day was calm, you ate some food, watched some tv and completed some homework. Aizawa passed by for dinner and you did an hour of mental training, he was teaching you how to control yourself under stress and keep a positive attitude, as negative thoughts affected your quirk.
In order for it to work exactly the way you wanted to you needed proper breath work and control.

After that, you went to bed early, exhausted from the training. Falling asleep immediately. Yet your peaceful sleep was brutally interrupted by nightmares, that haunted you most nights.

"How could you do this to me" you screamed, tears falling down your eyes.

"Don't take it personally, it's for the greater good of our cause" a voice replied, laughing under their breath.

The chains around your hands were tight and being pulled hard by a dark figure in front of you. You could feel the bruising forming already, you struggled helplessly, trying to run away but barely had any strength left.
The figure grabbed the chains and pulled them hard forcing you to fall to your knees, a loud cry as you hit the concrete floor hard, pain shooting through your legs.
He picked you up with ease and threw you in the back of a vehicle, back and head hitting the freezing metal.

"Please help" you whispered, eyes begging to be saved, but the tall, dark haired man standing outside the van just let out a low laugh and smile "I'll see you later love"

You were alone, surrounded by darkness, freezing and bound by thick metal chains. Exhaustion not allowing you to fight back. Bruises and cuts covered you skin as you began shivering and crying, until you fell unconscious.

The next morning I groaned as I forced myself out of bed. I was sooo tired, I barely got any sleep. After a quick cold shower I began getting ready for school, I looked at my eye bags and they were extremely dark, visible from a mile away, eyes red.
I sighed putting my uniform on, adding black tights after replacing my bandage on my now healing burn.
I grabbed breakfast and my bags and headed downstairs, just as I opened the door I got a call from Kirishima.

"Hey l/n-san let's walk together, meet me in front of the grocery store on the way to school"

"Ok I'll be there in 5" I hung up the phone and made my way to meet the spiky red head.

In the morning you had English class, it was pretty boring but you just spent it taking notes, trying your best not to fall asleep. Eventually, you gave into the tiredness and leaned your head on your hand and closed your eyes.

Weakness (Bakugouxreader)Where stories live. Discover now