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The harsh lights of the ambulance painted an unforgiving glow on the aftermath of the battle. You now stood there, heartbroken and bruised, the adrenaline fading, leaving behind the aching reality of your injuries.

The paramedics moved efficiently, along with Aizawa they let you sit at the back of the ambulance and began tending to the wounds you sustained during the fight against Kei. They weren't major wounds but it was good to care for them regardless.

Aizawa spoke, his normally stern expression softening with genuine concern as he surveyed your condition.

"How are you holding up?", voice low and steady. You winced, feeling the sting of your injuries, but you managed a nod.

"We'll get through it together" he went on, but you didn't have the energy to reply, you wanted to yell at him and tell him to be more realistic. You weren't going to get through anything anytime soon. But you stayed silent.

His phone buzzed, and his eyes flickered to the screen. An immediate shift in his demeanor hinted at the urgency of the call. He took the call and you saw his expression change, you straightened up, curious and worried.

He stepped aside, gesturing for you to wait. Anxiety clawed at you as you watched him speak in hushed tones, catching fragments of words like "hospital" and "situation."

a desperate cry cut through the night. Bakugou's mom, disheveled and frantic, pushed past the police barricade, a raw expression of despair etched on her face. She must have received a call, or maybe seen the news on tv. Her husband followed, trying to keep up with her, his eyes reflecting a blend of concern and hope. She called out Bakugou's name, her voice a desperate plea, echoing through the cold night air.

You had never heard such desperate cries, her voice was raw and you could feel every inch of pain through it.

As she reached you, panic and hope mingled in her eyes.

"Where is he?, where's my Katsuki? tell me he is okay? Please" her voice cracked as she grabbed your hands and held them to her heart. You tried to find the right words, but none seemed sufficient.

You stared into each others eyes, a silent conversation and she knew, by the look of your face, the way your lips trembled trying to find words and the tears in your eyes, she knew.

She broke out in sobs and you embraced her, the shared grief of two people who loved the ones who they lost, just in a different way. She hugged you tight and for long.

Bakugous father joined the hug, and you all stood there comforting each other as best as you could.

The cries of a mother searching for her son, and the silent tears of someone who wished desperately to have saved him, blended in a symphony of sorrow.

"I couldn't save him" you tried to speak, "I'm so sorry"

Mitsuki caressed your head and placed a kiss on your forehead and her husband rubbed your back.

Whispered apologies and comforting words were exchanged amidst the tears. Bakugou's mom clung to the hope that maybe, just maybe, her son would emerge from this. You, however, bore the weight of the call and the unspoken fear of what the call might say.

Aizawa returned. He first asked to speak to Bakugous parents alone, and when you saw Mitsuki begin breaking down in the distance your heart sank. Bakugous dad hugged his wife and they left a second later, getting in a car and driving away.

This time Aizawa approached you, "We need to get you all to the hospital," he said,

The world around you seemed to blur.

Your eyes widened.

"What did the hospital say" you replied, practically whispering since you couldn't get the words out.

"There's Been some changes, they found a pulse, it's extremely weak"

You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. The torrent of emotions threatened to overwhelm you—relief, gratitude, and the recognition that this was far from over.

With no more words to exchange you both rushed  to the hospital.

The city passed by in a blur, but the ride felt like hours. You needed to get to him, if there was a chance, even a slim one, that he was alive you needed to be there for him.

As soon as you got to the hospital you began demanding to know what was going on, any news about the blonde boy. You needed answers.

Various nurses and staff trying to get you to calm down but you were so desperate to know he was okay.

When they finally managed to get you to calm down, Aizawa and you were brought to a waiting room. Everything felt so chaotic yet so still.

Eventually, a doctor walked in, he was tall with grey hair, he had dark eyes and wrinkles on his forehead and around his eyes.

Your eyes tightened with concern.

"Are you y/n L/n" he said,

"Yes that's me"

"Could we have a talk outside, I understand you and Bakugou were close"

You stood up and walked out, the corridor was empty and the lights were bright.

"I understand you were there when it happened" he said,

You nodded.

"Do you have a healing quirk by any chance?" He proceeded to ask,

Slightly Confused you replied, "not really, my quirk can heal but only minor wounds. Can you please tell me how Katsuki is doing, what's going on?"

"When the paramedics arrived on the scene and used a defibrillator, they were able to get a pulse. It was extremely weak, but it allowed him to be brought to an emergency surgery"

You held your breath as he continued,

"During the surgery, we noticed something must have stopped the bleeding, or at least slowed it down which is reason why we manage to get that pulse. Your quirk might not be a healing one, but you are the reason why that boy as a chance to live"

Tears swelled up in your eyes, you brought your hands to your mouth covering it in disbelief.

"The surgery should be over in about an hour. You will have news then" he said and showed you back to the waiting room.

You updated aizawa and eventually were moved to another waiting room, along with Bakugous parents and a few of his classmates who came to the hospital when they heard the news he was in surgery.

The minutes dragged on, each tick of the clock felt longer and longer. In that hushed, sterile room, you clung to hope.

Finally, the doctor came through the doors.

Everyone went silent and stared up at him, Kirishima caressed your back as you braced yourself for the news.

"He's alive, resting, his conditions will need to be monitored but he should wake up soon"

You could feel the relief in the room, his parents happy tears as the doctor began giving them more details of the surgery and their kid's current state.

A wave of immense relief washed over you, the tension slowly releasing its grip on your heart as the doctor's words confirmed Bakugou's successful.

He was going to be okay.

Hey guys I hope ur happy I didn't kill him off 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ however I might write a separate ending for him dying cause that's how I think I wanted the story to initially end just cause I am a sucker for sad sad stories (you should read in another life on AO3)

Once again I wasn't bothered to spell check and reread it so I hope it makes sense lol

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