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I stood there, hands bound by ice to the floor, as she touched my chin forcing me to look up and into her eyes, shivers ran through my spine as she spoke and I felt heat rise to my cheeks, not knowing if it was from anger or the faint touch of her skin, either way I tried hard to suppress it down.

Who was this fucking girl anyways, who does she think she is. Tch I'm gonna beat her ass next time we fight.

I stared dead into her eyes, nostrils flaring from the amount of anger I felt. However, I couldn't help but be slightly curious. No one as ever even dared to talk back to me, let alone fight me.

Who is she?


"I cannot believe you did that" Uraraka exclaimed.

"You are the first person who has ever stood up to Kacchan, everyone is way too scared" Deku added.

"It's not a big deal guy haha he was just acting like a jerk so I had to put him in his place" i laughed scratching the back of your neck.
The conversation continued as I sat eating lunch at the table Uraraka invited me to sit at, with Ilda, her, Midoriya and Todoroki.

After the conversation finally changed from my small fight with Bakugou to something else Todoroki turned to me "Hey l/n-san you are really strong, where did you go to school before this?"

I blushed slightly at the compliment but quickly remembered that the headmaster prohibited me from talking about my past, "Thanks Todoroki-kun, you have a really strong quirk!" you said smiling at him with a warm grin, he blushed in return "I was homeschooled most of my life" lie "but Aizawa-sensei trained me for the last few months to make sure I wasn't going to fall behind, I wasn't very good before that" I quickly said, going back to eating my rice.

Todoroki nodded and went back to his food too. We just kept eating until lunch ended and we headed back to room 1-A.

I walked into the class and sat down on a desk near a window, the only one without a bag or papers already on it.
I chatted to Sero, a guy with black hair who sat next to me about his quirk and training, he had some sort of tape quirk that allowed him to shoot sticky tape from his elbows.

Two more guys decided to join our conversation, a cute blonde with a black lighting bolt in his hair and a boy with spiky red hair, who shot me a toothy grin, "hey I'm kirishima, I know I introduced myself before but I just wanted to come say hi again" I smiled warmly thanking him and telling them to come sit with me and Sero.

"Hey I'm Kaminari, but you can call me anytime" the blondie smirked.

"Come on man you are probably making her uncomfortable it's her first day"

I just stared at him in disbelief and laughed "and how many times as that worked for you uh"

The guys looked slightly surprised by my answer.  I'm guessing Kaminari probably hasn't gotten a lot of calm reactions like mine from the other girls he tried these bad pick up lines on.

"I'm surprised you didn't slap him, he usually gets slapped" joked Sero, I smiled giggling at the image.

We spoke for a bit longer until a rough voice interrupted our conversation.

"Why the fuck are you sitting here shitty girl"

"Only seat empty sparky"

"I don't care, I don't want you sitting behind me so move"

"And you think I do, I probably won't even be able to see the front of the class cause of your hedgehog looking ass"

The boys next to me tried to contain a laugh, Kaminari choking on the water he was drinking.

Bakugou slammer his hands on my desk and leaned closer to me "I'll fucking blow you up"

"You already want to go for round two? It's not even been 2 hours" I smiled, not backing away, trying to see which one would let give up first, both fighting to be more dominant than the other.

Our eye contact was simultaneously broken when we heard Kaminari whisper "what kind of rounds do you think they are talking about. I want want in!"

"WHAT" we both said.


"Bakugou is just mad cause I beat him earlier"
I winked at him.

He grabbed the collar of my shirt in anger but before he could do anything our teacher walked in and asked everyone to sit down and start our lesson.
As everyone took their seats I heard confused whispers about the fight between me and Bakugou and the news of our little disagreement started spreading quickly.

Just before I could leave class and go home Aizawa turned around "stay behind l/n I need to speak to you" I sighed and went back in the class. "And Bakugou I will be speaking to you tomorrow" he stated with indifference and the ash blond boy walked out of the class rolling his eyes.

When everyone left I sat down on the desk in front of Aizawa and waiting.

"It's not even been a full day and you already got into a fight with someone, even worse everyone knows about it" he looked at you slight anger in his tone "I know how Bakugou can get but you have to understand because of your past you can't be getting into fights like these, even if they are meaningless. Someone might end up getting hurt, or you might end up kicked out of UA."

I sighed looking down "I'm sorry I just couldn't stand how cocky and rude he was"

"I understand but that's not an excuse, just stay out of trouble and follow the rules set for you"

I nodded.

"Now let me drop you home I want to go sleep"

"You know it's weird calling you by your second name, I got used to calling you Shota since you took me in and trained me" I giggled as we walked to the car.

"Well you are gonna have to get used to it kid, I'm your professor now"

I can feel the sexual tension from here BAKUGOOOUUUUU
Here your meme
Please vote it would mean a lot since only like two people r reading this 😫

 I can feel the sexual tension from here BAKUGOOOUUUUUHere your meme Please vote it would mean a lot since only like two people r reading this 😫

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