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You put your ear phones on as you walked back home from the shitty date with Todoroki.

You couldn't get the comments he made out of your mind, they just kept replaying and replaying in your head. Of course you understood that he probably didn't mean it in a bad way, he was caught up in being angry, maybe he was also a bit stressed because of the festival, you thought. Trying to come up with so many excuses for him.

To make it worse he also managed to connect it to Bakugou, like many of your conversations.
When you often casually spoke and ended up talking about classmates he would always find a way to talk down about Katsuki, insult him or criticise him.

It didn't really bother you at the start because, let's be honest here, King explosion murder isn't the sweetest guy, his short temper and insults don't really make a good impression. Plus everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

When he did it in a group setting though, you hated it, mostly because you had to sit there and watch most people agree. Bringing someone who you cared about, even though hated to admit it, being shamed for the way he was, being brought down.

They didn't really understand him, never really tried. There was so much to him no one knew, even you had yet to discover so many different sides of him.

Whenever they would say something bad about him you would disagree, always calmly not to make a big deal, but tried to get them to understand him more.

Todoroki always questioned why you did that. Always wondered when you started to get close to him and especially why. What was it that made a loud, rude, short tempered guy so special that you would try and back him up?

You shook your head trying to forget about the ruined night, you honestly just wanted to go back home and watch a movie to distract yourself.

With your favorite song playing you continued walking towards your building, the light of the moon helping the street lamps illuminate the surrounding.

Suddenly, you felt a hand grab your shoulder.

Without turning around, not even making much of an effort because of your reflexes, you quickly elbowed the figure, he bent down groaning at the unexpected impact and you proceeded to send a kick aimed at his face, earning an even louder grunt.

You panted and looked at the stumbling figure which stood back up, a hand on their stomach, one massaging the spot you kicked on his face, right on his cheekbone.


Your eyes went wide as you realised who you just kicked.

"FIREWORKS? Why the hell are you sneaking up on me at night?"

"Sneaking up? I FUCKING PUT MY HAND ON YOUR SHOULDER" he said, letting out a sigh of relief.



You chuckled and the interaction, rolling your eyes and continued talking "what are you even doing out?"

"I was walking, I needed to cool off, that old hag is driving me crazy"

"Well the cooling off definitely didn't work"

"EHE?" He said, shooting you an angry looking,

You shushed him trying to contain your laugh.

"And what about you, why are you walking, and why are you dressed so nice?" He asked, looking at you up and down,

You smirked and looked up at him, slightly leaning over to get up in his face "you think I look nice?"

"Shut up I didn't fucking say that. And stop smiling at me"

Weakness (Bakugouxreader)Where stories live. Discover now