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Note- I'm kinda changing the details about the events at the festival like the obstacle course is slightly different and I'm not sure if I'm gonna have the second event be the same as canon or make up something different. Just letting u know it deviates from canon a bit!! Hope you enjoy anyways :)

You didn't really know if it was fear or excitement you felt, waiting for your class to finally be called into the arena.
The crowd was already going crazy, hyped up about the annual sports festival. People ready to see new quirks in action, agencies ready to scout future pro heroes.

You stood by Todoroki, who did not show an ounce of nervousness, but offered you a understanding grin when seeing the adrenaline and slight nervousness that was plastered on your face.

And then your class was announced, you made you way out of the dark concrete corridors and were greeted with applauses and shouts from the people on the stands.

Blinking to adjust to the sudden light your jaw dropped seeing so many people around you, the stadium seemed even bigger from down there and it was filled with tens and thousands of people. You watched your classmates strut confidently into the arena, soon after the other classes joined too.

You all stood by the stage and listened to PresenterMic finish his announcement and commentary.

Bakugou saw you clearly overwhelmed and came by you, smacking your back lightly, a reminder for you to straighten up and be confident. Nodding at you, eyes full of determination. Just seeing that made you feel better, making you forget about the anxiousness and the people watching.
Focusing on one goals and one goals only.


Midnight, called Bakugou up to the stage to represent our class.
He walked slowly, hands in his pockets, no emotion on his face, he just looked bored.
Making his way to the mic his posture remained the same and to everyone's surprise he announced "I will be number one" which caused many around him to tense up, be mad at his confidence, some of the crowed booing in shock.
But you smirked looking at him, making direct eye contact as you nodded back.

Shoto had noticed the glance you and Bakugou had shared, there was more than just simple rivalry between friends. It was infuriating. Tightening his fists, so mad that he swore people could see the fume coming out of his ears.

What made him mad wasn't your friendship with the blond, it was the bond you had formed, how attached you two were, so much more than Todoroki and you ever could become, even after countless efforts from both parties. But losing to Bakugou was not an option. There was a huge unspoken competition that formed between the two. In sports, studies, quirk strength... anything that could be made into a contest became one. And Todoroki was sure not going to lose this one. He knew this was the prize Bakugou cared about the most, even if he tried to hide it. He wasn't going to lose you to him.


The first race was an obstacle course, like last year, with a few differences and twists. You walked up to the start line and looked to one side; Bakugou, who stared straight ahead, eyes on the path, Midoryia looked slightly nervous but there was determination in his eyes, Kirishima and Denki next to him, smiling and wishing each other the best. On the other side you looked at a couple of the girls, some of them seemed more anxious than the others, Shoto stood there too, looking uninterested, he looked back at you and you both held eye contact.                  

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