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Read the sign next to the shop.

You turned to Bakugou slightly stunned and watched him ramble on for a second,

"You know I thought it would be cool to make dream catchers since you have nightmares and stuff, that these maybe... but if you think it's lame whatever we can find something else to do. Never mind this is probably stup-"

You practically threw yourself on him, wrapping your arms around your neck hugging him tighter than ever. Burying your face into his neck and he, slightly in shock, hugged you back.

It might not have seemed anything special to someone else. Just another fun date. But to you it was different.

You could tell he put thought into it and that he genuinely did it for you. Maybe he even hoped deep down that these would help you.

And even if some people didn't believe that dream catchers worked you were ecstatic.

You wondered if there were words to explain how much this meant to you.

You shook your head arms still wrapped around him "no no I love it"

You looked at him, a huge toothy smile on your face which made your eyes wrinkle slightly. At that view he couldn't help but smile back, caressing your cheek and pulling you in to kiss your forehead.

"Come on let's go inside" he said, holding your hand as you made your way in, the bell on the door ringing slightly as you walked in to alarm the owners.

Inside there were rows of what looked like coloured strings, colours ranging from black to yellow to purple.

There were also different sized wooden hoops on display, and feathers and beads.

Hanging above the whole shop there were beautiful dream catchers made, which you couldn't stop staring at. The way they were so intricately done and you could see the effort behind each one.

Further into the store there where a bunch of tables, probably work stations where you could make your dream catchers, as if it was a workshop.

A lady with long black hair and a sweet smile came out from the back to greet you, asking you how you were doing and what was your plan.

Katsuki told her they wanted to make dream catchers for one other and her smile grew, making you follow her to choose the materials needed.

"You are going to have to pick a few things like string and some beads if you want..." she explained as you walked by rows of strings and everything else imaginable used to make these.

As she spoke she told you about the history of dream catchers, which you found super interesting. She explained that they originated by the Ojibwes and soon this practice for adopted by other cultures and tropes, gaining popularity specifically with Native Americans.

She explained she opened this shop in honour of her mother who used to be native and moved to Japan to be with her husband. And after having taught her so much about these beautiful talismans she decided to open a shop to share the traditions with other who were interested, sharing the stories her mum told her.

When it was time to pick your material you chose some beige coloured string, which she told you was the same as the original talismans and red beads, lastly normal light brown feathers.

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