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Just a heads up the fights might not follow the canon ones, both the order and who is fighting who, cause it wouldn't make sense if they did!


You entered through one of the corridors below the stadium, which led to the different rooms where the students waited before the games and walked towards the stands, dedicated to your class.

You put your hands on the railing and leaned forwards, taking in the millions of eyes that were going to be watching you go against your classmates. Your friends.

Taking a deep breath you smiled, already feeling the adrenaline rushing through your veins.

Bakugou was sitting down on the far right with Kirishima next to him, everyone else from your class a few seats away, keeping their distance as he kept growling about how he was going to make everyone explode into little pieces or something like that.

You waved at Shoto and headed to take a seat next to him, causing him to tense up as you took a lowered yourself on the chair, you gave him a confused look and opened your mouth to speak before Presenter Mics loud voice suddenly spoke, cutting you off and nearly making you fall off your seat.

He went on explaining how it was going to work. There were going to be one on one battles, each student fighting someone picked at random, to win you had to push the opponent off the platform in the middle of the station, have them give up or not be able to fight anymore. The winners proceeded onto the next round, the top two would battle each other to see who was going to be this years winner.

You waited eagerly, staring at the screen to see who you were going to be fighting first, the names suddenly popped up, your eyes scanning until they found your name and right next to it Minas.

You turned to find your friend, meeting her gaze as you both nodded, smiling in determination.

The first match was between Izuku and Shinso, even though Midoryia was strong and just kept getting stronger you thought he wouldn't stand a chance against someone who could brainwash him, especially when he didn't know his weaknesses very well.

You watched as they both walked up on the platform in the middle of the stadium and began their fight, Shinso had to find a way to get Izuku to talk, and to do that he began insulting one of his friends decision to drop out of the last round. Not being able to control his anger the green haired boy replied and immediately fell victim of Shinso's quirk.         

Everyone watched in amazement as Shinso forced his opponent to slowly walk out of bounds, step by step Midoryia was closer to losing, but abruptly, to everyones surprise he mysteriously broke out of the brainwashing, and before you could even process it Shinso had gotten slammed out of bounds.

The cheers and wows of the crowd boomed and echoed around the stage, your jaw dropped just like so many others in the stadium. What a comeback.

Soon after there was another fight, this one with Ilda against a pink haired girl from another class, the department of support one, she mainly used him to show off the gear she made, as if it was a commercial.                                                                                                 
As their fight, if you could call it that, went on, Todoroki headed inside as his match was next, he stood up began making his way to the waiting rooms.

Before he left you grabbed his hand to get his attention, when he looked back you said, "Good luck" and smiled warmly.

However, the good mood you were in was quickly stripped away when he forcefully pulled his hand away from yours and without saying a word or showing any emotions walked away.

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