BOOKS | m. berner

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[MODERN AU!] moblit | fem!reader

     the local library stood tall over the duo, its rustic designs immediately caught the attention of moblit. he stood just by the stairs, mouth slightly agape as he admired how beautiful it was while hange grinned at the look of amazement of their friend.

     they stepped closer and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. "see? i told you you'd enjoy this library!" hange laughed out loud before dragging him by his arm towards the entrance, where the wonders of knowledge awaits him.

     moblit was always a big nerd for knowledge and more, it wasn't even a surprise to hange when he decided to work for their company as a researcher and a scientist. they were more than happy to take him in, knowing his skills and intelligence after years of friendship.

     hange's team were currently conducting a research, but needed more information that they could get just in case it goes south. normally, they'd be cooped up in front of their computers to look for the information bbut the what they needed as of now could only be seen in libraries.

     "are you sure the book is in here?" moblit asked as he clung to their arm, afraid of tripping on the stairs with how fast hange was walking. "it looks... old. not that it's a bad thing, just... what if it wasn't there?"

     hange pursed their lips and blew raspberries at his negativity, "we'll never know unless we ask, idiot. now come on!" continuing to drag him, hange pushed the large oak doors open and stepped inside the chilly library.

     students mingle quietly as they study in one corner, people took their time in choosing books they wanted to read and others relaxed themselves in the available seats by reading.

     the insides were larger than what moblit expected, but he wasn't complaining. if the building was beautiful outside, it was more beautiful when you get to step inside. various tall wooden shelves lined together, oak chairs and tables in one side and small statues of different things align the aisles.

     "woah..." moblit exhaled out, eyes shining in childish curiosity and amazement as he looked around the place like it was some sort of a mystical place. "how come i didn't know this existed?"

     hange grinned and gave themselves a pat on their back, "i know, i'm great. you don't have to thank me."

     he only rolled his eyes at this, "oh shush... what are we looking for again?" moblit questioned, "and how the hell are we gonna find it in... this?" he gestured towards the large shelves that filled the whole enormous room, stacked with books of different genres and languages.

     "hm... let's ask the librarian." hange quietly skipped their way towards the huge desk connected to the wall a few steps away from the entrance.

     you were too busy stamping a stack of returned books to notice the two approaching you until they cleared their throat and stood in front of your vision. a bit surprised, you looked up from your work and plastered on a small smile.

     "good afternoon, how can i help you today?" closing the book you were holding, you leaned forward the desk just as one of them explained what book they were looking for with excitement dripping in their voice.

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