ARMS | r. brzenska

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rico | fem!reader


                                                                                                                                                      the city of trost was burning and getting destroyed under the hands of the titans. the wall was breached by the colossal titan on the day the survey corps were out in an expedition and so the garrison soldiers and the 104th graduates were tasked to engage in combat and provide safety to the civilians. 

     when all hope was lost, something appeared that gave humanity a chance to win the battle.

     y/n, mikasa, eren, and armin were standing on top of wall rose. the four listened to two of the garrison officers prepare the plan, with armin butting in every so often to perfect the plan that the two could only gape and add his insights to their plan.

     damn, what an intelligent dude. y/n thought as she gazed at the blond with a soft smile. even after being friends for many years, it's still hard for her to get acquainted with his intelligence. she snapped out of her thoughts when the female garrison soldier turned to her and mikasa with a steel gaze, "you two protect eren from the titans when he covers the hole." the two girls nodded and saluted, dedicating their hearts to this mission.

     as they got ready, armin neared the three with a calm yet shaky smile. "be careful out there, you three. i have a good feeling that we can do this!" he exclaimed, causing the three to chuckle.

     soon enough, they were flying through the air with three other garrison soldiers. they landed on top of the boulder eren's titan was supposed to carry after making sure that no titan was around. one of the garrison soldiers, rico was her name, gave eren the signal to transform. they backed up, just in case, and watched with wonder as thunder and green light surrounded the brown-haired shifter. 

     the soldiers rejoiced but it soon disappeared upon seeing the titan slam a hand on the house mikasa was standing in. the others gasped and called out to mikasa for safety. he was okay a while ago! what the hell happened? why was he attacking mikasa and not carrying the boulder? 

     y/n was about to fly over to help, having the sense that eren still couldn't control his titan, but a strong grip on her arm stopped her from doing so. she looked behind her and saw the short-haired soldier shaking her head. her one arm was raised over the sky, holding a flare signal.

     "it was a wrong idea to entrust this mission to a titan." rico sighed out, disappointed.

     "w-wait--" she pressed the trigger and the red flare shot up in the sky, giving the scenario a more deadly feel. "i-i still think we can continue the mission!" y/n urged after the team leader shot the flare, staring at the other garrison soldiers with confidence.

     "continue?" one of the soldiers, mitabi, scoffed. "look around you, rookie, the titan's trying to squash your friend. do you think we can make use of that?" he pointed towards the titan who was currently leaning his back on the boulder, clearly knocked out.

     "yes!" y/n nodded as mikasa flew over to them to discuss the plans, "he can do it, i know he can. he just can't control himself right now so please, let's give him time!" the h/c-haired pleaded, bowing to the high-ranking soldiers. the three looked at each other, uncertain before turning to the one who was currently leading them, ian.

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