IT'S LOVE | k. ackerman

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kenny | fem!reader

mama please don't cry,
i will be alright
all reason aside i just can't deny,
i love the guy
— britney spears, criminal


     your heels click against the marble tiles, filling up the silence of the hallways and bouncing off the walls. the silky dress you wore drifted every time you step forward, its puffiness giving your legs a bit of a freedom to which you were a bit thankful for (despite your slight hatred of the clothing).

     you were bored out of your mind and despite trying to busy yourself by wandering around the rooms and more of the main headquarters of the military police, all you wanted to do was to go home and read a book or two.

     being the only child from a noble family often had its perks but there were also flaws to it. the current one that you very disliked was that you were supposed to follow your father's footsteps and be a representative of the l/n family in the noble council (whatever they called it, not that you cared) hence your father dragging you to an important meeting you don't want to concern yourself with.

     not only that, you had learned of the truth of the world months ago with the news of following your father's position in the council when he dies. your parents explained it simply yet your brain couldn't digest even half of the information they laid out. confusion and anger was what you felt the whole time you thought about it and you were only left with more questions  that you couldn't ask to your parents.

     the important role of your father wasn't given to you yet but you could already feel the stress and burden that was going to eat you up one day.

     sighing, you looked up from your feet once you noticed that you already travelled down the hallway you were currently in. "i should go back," you murmured.

     after all, you did excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. your father would be wondering why you were gone for so long (when in truth you just don't want to hear about political stuff). you stood up straight after squaring your shoulders, spinning on your heel to return to that stuffy meeting room as quick as you could.

     however, that plan soon came into a halt when your face met with a solid object. you stumbled backwards, almost stepping on your dress in the process if you didn't manage to balance yourself on time. you groaned to yourself, rubbing your nose as you looked up.

     the pain in your eyes quickly turned into slight fear, the man in front of you towering over you with terror oozing out of him. your eyes caught sight of some red stain in his dirtied brown coat and hat but you waved it off as some sort of a juice or wine, despite your guts telling you to alert nearby any military police and run away.

     his steel gaze studied you for a seconds, his brows creasing as he frowned. you looked away from his eyes, embarrassed and somewhat terrified. "s-sorry..." you managed to squeak out, your voice breaking in the end.

     you cringed internally; if the man didn't suspect you of being afraid before then he might start now, considering that you were shaking very lightly due to his presence.

     he obviously noticed this and the frown he had on his lips turned to a huge grin, crinkles forming on the corners of his eyes. "well, well, well... never saw a pretty lady like you around here. what's your name, missy?" he asked quietly, his gruff voice ringing in your ears and sending chills down your spine.

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