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erwin | fem!reader

     you stifled a yawn as you hopped down your horse after a long day of riding, ruffling her soft mane as you led her to the stables to rest. "are you tired, y/n?" you almost screamed at the voice, your guard lowered. you were so tired that you forgot about the environment you were in and the person who you were with earlier.

     "i apologize for startling you," the commander of the survey corps, erwin, chuckled, "and for dragging you to the meeting with the other commanders. if i knew it would end before midnight, i wouldn't have asked you to come."

     you smiled softly as you looked up at the night sky, the clouds covering the shining moon while the stars twinkle . "it's no problem, sir. the meeting was interesting, at least."

     "it's erwin, remember?"

     realizing your mistake, you apologized quietly; he did ask you to call him by his name considering the two of you were now 'close' per se. erwin didn't reply, only patting your shoulder softly before slowly heading towards the entrance of the headquarters. your cheeks redden and you quickly fixed your ruffled hair before catching up with the commander.

     it was silent, the crickets and faint mumble of soldiers were the only sounds you could hear. the atmosphere between you and the commander was as serene as the night. not awkward nor tense. you were thankful that he took you along for the meeting, despite it being boring.

     as long as you were with erwin, your day's already made whether it's boring or not.

     but of course, you wouldn't admit that out loud.

     in a world with large human-eating monsters, there is absolutely no time for love when death knocks on your door every time you wake up.

     but even if you did tell him you love him... there's a huge chance he won't feel the same. love isn't probably his top priority considering he was the commander of a regiment. you had to keep all of your feelings to yourself, even if hange kept blabbering about it to everyone once they found out.

     "that's strange..." erwin mumbled as soon as you stepped in, looking around the hallway with confusion written on his face. "the others should be asleep by now but the torches are still aflame."

     it was true. the lit torches in the hallway were as bright as the moonlight. there were no soldiers in sight so it's ridiculous to say that hundreds of soldiers 'forgot' to put it out.

     "wait, you hear that?" you looked at your sides, brows scrunched together as you began to follow the faint noise. the commander followed you silently, amusement clear in his eyes paired with a small smile.

     he took notice of how your eyes were narrowed in concentration, listening in to the commotion that you could faintly hear not too far from where you were standing. he thought it was adorable; how you were determined to catch who was making a ruckus in the old castle.

     beautiful, she is. he smiled before turning back to his naturally serious and calm self.

     finally, after what seemed like an eternity, you deemed that the noise you heard came from the mess hall. the door was slightly ajar, a peek of the light from inside shining through. you could hear the loud laughs and chatters behind the door as if the soldiers inside didn't care who would come in and scold their little gathering.

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