FRUITS | f. forster

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[modern au!] floch | gender-neutral!reader


     "y/n, where are you?" jean's voice that was filled with concern rang through your ears, giving you a bit of a headache at the sudden loudness and intrusion of the silence you grew to love.

     you wheezed softly and closed your eyes, settling into the comforts of your bed while placing your phone on your other ear. "ah, i got sick... sadly." you managed to voice out with your itchy throat, "can you send me your notes later? oh, and tell the teachers that i'm sick, okay?"

     "mm, sure." was his short replied before hearing a bunch of chairs screeching against the floor, making you guess that he was already in the classroom. "floch asked me where you were earlier but he acted like a damn tsundere. he told me to suck my dick after asking why he was concerned." his laughter became obnoxiously loud after recalling the memory from earlier.

     despite the need to fall back to a deep slumber, your face break out to a small, tired smile. "ah, did he now? that's cute." you shivered at the cold draft of the air condition, pulling your blankets close to you before letting your head fall on your pillow.

     the face of the said red-head suddenly appeared in your mind, your smile growing bigger when you imagined his flustered face denying jean's teasing.

     "ugh, you guys are disgusting." jean grumbled out, "and stupid. he knows about your feelings for him—still confused as to how and why you like him—and it's clear as day that he likes you back, but he's acting like he doesn't. what do you call this relationship of yours exactly?"

     "hm, nothing. it's too soon to put a label on it and we're still young." you said, "but hey, i'm glad he likes me back even if he declines it."

     even if jean was currently miles away from you, you could see him roll his eyes at your statement before shaking his head. "whatever. i have to go now, i'll send you all the notes later."

     "thanks, jean. you're the best!"

     "you're lucky to have a friend like me."

— ❂ —

     your eyes fluttered open many hours later after taking a long nap, hoping that it would magically cure your sickness. you sat up slowly, your muscles aching from sleeping all day and from your sickness that seemed to worsen as of now. so much for sleeping... you thought with a frown.

     blinking the sleepiness away, you looked around your dark room. your curtains were closed shut and no light was coming in from the sun. the clock read that it was three-thirty, half an hour after dismissal if you went to school.

     you placed a hand on your neck, frowning when you were still burning hot. you bit back a cough and turned to your nightstand, grabbing your phone after removing it from its charger. squinting against its harsh light, you could make out jean's messages and notifications from your social media and games.

     you were about to check jean's messages when someone started knocking on your door. you furrowed your eyebrows at this; your mother stayed home to take care of you but this was the first time she knocked before coming in. was there someone else...?

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