DOGS | e. jaeger

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[modern au!] eren | fem!reader



     "jagen!" a brown-haired male called out in a panic, worried green eyes looking around the packed dog park. there were dogs of all breeds playing about the small park, running past him with their owners laughing and following. he ran a hand through his brown locks, a habit he often does when he's stressed, brows furrowed as he looked for his german shepherd. 

     just a minute ago, he removed his leash to let him play just in front of him. the next, he was gone among the storm of humans and dogs. 

     "where did that boy go to?" he asked himself, a frustrated sigh leaving his lips. he closed his eyes and listened to his surroundings, focusing on one bark at a time. even though there's a lot of noises that irked and caused him to lose confusion, he still had to look for his best friend because he wouldn't be coming home without him. 

     finally, one certain round of barks caught his attention. he followed the sound with rushed footsteps as he calls out his dog's name, looking around for any sign of his german shepherd playing about. 

     "there you are!" eren's shoulders relaxed and he jogged towards the dog who was sitting under a tree, playing with a brown cocker spaniel. he knelt down and scratched jagen's head who happily barked at the sight of his owner, "you had me worried there. don't run off again, i swear."

     he clipped the leash back on his collar and was about to leave but the cocker spaniel from a while ago started rubbing its body against his leg. eren let out a chuckle, kneeling down beside the dog as he rubbed its chin. "hey there. where's your owner?"

     the dog only barked, making the male grin at its cuteness. his hand traveled to its neck where a f/c collar was neatly placed. he read the name engraved on the silver bone tag, "d/n, huh?" the dog barked once, signalling that he was correct. eren turned the dog tag over and read the numbers and letters engraved. it was the information of his owner! 

     "your owner's probably looking for you," eren hummed as he grabbed his phone from his pocket, ready to contact his owner.


     eren looked up from his phone and saw a figure running up to them. emerald eyes gawked at the beauty he saw, his brain suddenly shutting down as the owner of cocker spaniel pulled him in a hug before clipping his leash to his collar. "where have you been?! you worried me for a second!" 

     the male felt his throat drying up at the sight of the female standing before him. h/c locks that were tousled framed her face structure nicely, cat-like e/c eyes stare at her dog with worry and a bit of relief. the cocker spaniel barked and licked its owner, making her giggle and rub its chin. her velvety voice sent eren to heaven, from the way she spoke and from the way she laughed. 

     if this was a 'love at first sight' cliche, then damn, eren was a victim.

     she stood up with the leash wrapped around her hand, the brown-haired male realized she was leaving, and turned her back to him as she lets out a sigh. "come on, mom's waiting!" he heard her say before taking off, leaving the male alone. he reached out his hand, clearly wanting to say something, ask something, but he was too late.

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