HERO | j. kirchstein

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[AVENGERS AU!] jean | fem!avenger!reader

     it was another normal day in new york city or, as normal as it could get. the sun was shining brightly and the city was busy with crowds of sweaty people. it was weird how new york was back to being 'the city that never sleeps' after every chaos that happened. there were streets still closed off and buildings that needed a major repair after that alien attack weeks ago, but mondays in new york were still the same. thanks to the avengers, they got rid of the aliens after a hard fight and were now viewed as the heroes of america. tony stark even promised to help and fund the repairs left by the unwanted fight.

     jean took this sunny day as a chance to hang out with his friends in a restaurant they frequent to. they were still shaken up a bit with the attack, having seen it and experience it first hand, but jean wanted to take their mind off of it by eating outside. what a nice guy, right? it needed a bit more convincing from the others which ended up with jean agreeing to pay for everyone's meal before they all planned their hang out. although it was his choice and plan in the first place, he was going to be poor at the end of the day.

     "hey jean!" armin greeted the man once inside the restaurant, "thanks for inviting us." the said man could only frown, seeing as that there were at least eleven people he had to feed. they sat down at the extended tables, greeting each other with a yell and a smile. the restaurant was already rowdy that armin had to shush them before they got kicked out. jean pursed his lips and looked around; he was going to spend his earnings just for their greedy asses.

     historia sensed his annoyance across the table so she flashed him a smile and whispered, "don't worry, we'll split the check, okay?"

     relieved, he nodded and mumbled a 'thank you'. everyone chattered and laughed while they skimmed through the menu, ordering their meals once the waiter arrived. they had to cover sasha's mouth after one meal before she could order any more than she needed. she could eat all the buffet in the world and she'd still get hungry.

     "so, how're your classes, guys?" armin questioned, taking this as a chance to converse and catch up while they wait for the food. jean smiled to himself as he watch everyone have fun and recall their memories with one another. even though jean looked and acted like a dick, everyone knew he was a softy when it comes to his friends and loved ones. 

     suddenly, connie squealed to stop the ongoing conversation. "okay, guys! listen!" he yelled excitedly, grabbing the attention of the others (even the other customers who glared at him for his noisiness). "remember that attack weeks ago? because guess what!"

     "you clapped alien cheeks?"

     "you're dead and you're replaced with a better alien connie?"

     "you're leaving this city for good?"

     connie gasped, "no, you assholes! i fucking met and saw the captain america take down one of those ugly shits!"

     he reenacted what he saw, even adding dialogues with a deep voice and a bunch of unnecessary sound effects. mikasa was about to ask what really happened when the ground suddenly shook just as lightning and thunder flashed outside.

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