AFAR | h. zoe

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hange | fem!reader

     you bit the insides of your cheek as you unconsciously stare at a certain brown-haired soldier across the mess hall, your eyes never leaving their face as to not miss any expression they made. to others, they found your actions... a bit 'stalker-ish' and shamefully, you agree with that. you just couldn't help but look at the squad leader who managed to capture your heart with a simple greeting every time you pass each other in the hallways. even if no normal conversation was held between the two of you and all you could do was watch them from afar, you fell in love with the well-known crazy scientist.

     maybe your greetings with each other were just an action between a higher and lower rank, no meaning but just a simple friendly conversation, but you like to think so otherwise.

     "y/n! you're doing it again," jean hissed, successfully snapping you out of your thoughts. "i swear to god, one day they'll see you and start ignoring you."

     you pouted and shoved the male almost out of his seat, who gasped at your sudden action. he glared at you as he recovered himself, sitting properly with arms crossed.

     "i just can't help it, horseface!" you gushed, staring at hange again with heart eyes. "they look so cute when they talk about something that excites them, and then when they're suddenly serious, they're sexy and hot. can you even imagine if--"

     "please don't continue, i don't need mental images in my head. god, it's surprising that you're almost a squad leader when all you talk about is hange." jean sighed in disappointment while you laugh your ass off at his statement.

     "if you like them so much, why don't you talk to them like a normal human being instead of being a creep and watching them from afar?"

     good question.

     you ponder for a few seconds before answering with a frown, "because one, they're a squad leader and i'm way below than when they are now. i don't think a relationship with someone from a higher rank isn't allowed."

     jean scoffed, "i believe there's no rule or law for that, plus aren't you almost going to be one too?"

     you rolled your eyes and continued, "two, i don't think they like me."

     "they love titans, y/n. it's possible that they can love someone like you too." jean retorted. you pursed your lips while glaring at him, he doesn't need to counter your every reason.

     "lastly, it's just... it's impossible."

     jean sighed and glanced at the table where the squad leader was sitting. he suddenly smirked and turned to look at you again, eyes glinting with mischievousness.

     "oh trust me, y/n. i think they do."

     on the other side of the mess hall seated the veterans of the survey corps, eating quietly as they discuss important matters. a flick on their forehead snapped hange out of their trance. they didn't realize they were staring at you until they locked eyes with the other soldier beside you. they quickly looked away and trained their eyes on their untouched food, a blush decorating their face.

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