CONFESS | h. zoe

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hanji | fem!reader


     "y/n, i love you!"

     your cheeks turned a beautiful shade of red as you stop dead in your tracks in the middle of the hallway. your eyes narrowed down to the wooden ground, embarrassment and a bit of anger swirling in your hues. some of the survey corps watched, awaiting the scene they knew too well as they whispered one to another.

     taking a deep breath, you turned on your heels to face the brunette who was standing just a few inches away from you. just the mere sight of her was enough to make your blood boil, from embarrassment to annoyance.

     the brunette just knew how to get on your nerves. hanji would always confess her 'undying love' to you every single day, both in public and private and every 'i love you' were getting exhausting to hear. you didn't even like her, you find her too... eccentric and happy for you, but the squad leader just never learned to give up.

     "shut up already!" you yelled back, smacking your teeth together as you scowled. the brunette only laughed, completely unaffected by your words as she made her way towards you. once she was standing in front of you, you crossed your arms over your chest. "geez, when will you stop? i already told you i don't return your feelings."

     hanji flashed a smile, teasing and calculating, and tilted her head to the side. "as i said, y/n, i won't stop until you fall in love with me!" she exclaimed, her eyes screaming determination as she held your hands tight. the soldiers ooo'd and cheered, making you more embarrassed then before.

     the tip of your ears turned red and you quickly pulled your hands away, "w-what are you saying?! y-you've lost your mind!" you exclaimed, adverting your eyes away from the squad leader with a bit of embarrassment. with one last glare, you walked away from the brunette with your heart unusually pounding against your rib cage.

     you arrived at the open field soon after, seeing some of your comrades already training with each other. you opted to watch, seeing as no high ranking officers were watching over them but soon enough, jean went over to you with a wooden knife in his hand. 

     he tossed it to you and you luckily caught it, looking at him with a rose eyebrow. he grinned and got into a stance, making you sigh before doing the same.

     as the two of you took turns fighting, your copper-haired friend attempted to make conversation. "you look like you shit your pants once again," he commented with a smirk, "is it about squad leader hanji?" 

     just the mention of her name was enough to annoy you once more and you kicked the male's shin a bit too hard that he fell down on his butt. "ow! don't release your anger at me." he grunted out, standing as he wobbled a bit.

     "sorry!" you cringed as you took another stance, "she just confessed her love again while there were other soldiers around." you answered as you ducked jean's incoming punch. "then she said about not stopping until she loves me or something, it's stupid." 

     "well, why don't you just accept her love?" the male questioned. "squad leader hanji really does love you."

     "too bad, i don't feel the same." you rebutted, "she should just stop."

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