Chapter 23

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Cooper's POV

"That's absurd, Cooper. Are you out of your mind?" father growled before banging his fist on the table with a loud thud.

"It is a viable option, we need all the help we can get. They are taking help from the goblins and the witches. We need to form an alliance with the vampires. They won't know what hit them sir." I pleaded my case.

"Vampires and Werewolves can never be allies", he glared my way.

"I saved the life of the vampire king, even if he doesn't want an alliance, he will have to come down to help us. He owes me one and we need to call in the favor now" I raised my voice too, challenging his decision.

"You are dismissed", he yelled. I started to open by mouth but he raised his hand. "Your job is to bring a suggestion to the table, I get to decide which suggestion is actually usable and which one is garbage and all of your ideas are garbage."

"Really? So you think forming an alliance and putting together a bigger army is garbage? I would hate to see our pack members, men, women and children die because you are too proud to ask for help", I was scared on the inside but I just had to say that.

I heard gasps around the room. Even though I was fearing for my life right now, I still dared to stare him right in his eyes.

"Didn't you hear that I dismissed you? Out of my sight, child", father yelled.

I got up from seat and slowly walked towards the door. I let out a long sigh, I did all I could to convince him. I just hope he at least calls other packs for alliance. I don't want to go behind his back and post the letters but if need be, I will do it.

"Wait", I heard a commanding voice behind me. "Alpha Barry, with all due respect, I would like to say that this time, I am with Cooper and you are wrong. I think we need to take their help, we need a bigger army. They have killed everyone in the other packs they have attacked and I don't want that to be our fate".

"We merged for a reason and that reason is the safety of our pack members. As the alpha of the pack, it is my duty to do everything in my power to protect my pack and stand true to my oath. I say, we send all of these letters to the other packs, vampires, shape shifters, her witch friends and everybody else who is in debt of her. We call in all the favors. We call her friends and our friends and get all the soldiers and weapons we need. If you still disagree, I say, we call a vote", Alpha Richard said while I just stood by the door. A sly smile on my face.

"Fine, let's vote" father said.

I went and took my seat again, Heather gave me a reassuring smile and I gave back a gentle one.

"All in favor, raise your hands" father commanded.

I raised my hand and my eyes traveled around the table. 24 out of 30 people had their hands up. I looked back up at my father who was disappointed.

"Fine. Cooper, post these letters first thing in the morning. Also draft emails and send them too to be on the safe side, we don't want these letters being stolen as a part of some conspiracy by our enemies", father said.

"Yes, sir" I yelled out.

"Meeting adjourned" Alpha Richard said. We all got up from our seats. I started collecting my belongings while others left the room.

"That was very brave of you. You stood up to your father even after knowing that he would punish you later", Heather's soft voice entered my ears.

I felt a smile creep up on my face. I took a deep breath in to calm myself but I could only smell her divine scent. I cleared my brain before standing up straight and facing her. She was wearing a simple white shirt with a tight pencil skirt and she had me drooling. I kid you not, I actually did drool when walked past me in the hallway.

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