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Ashton's POV

I have thought about what I would say to 'C' if I ever talked to them many times. I'd try to ask them why they did all the things they did but I doubt I could do it without crying.

Sometimes I wonder if Harry's death was all 'C' s fault. Maybe 'C' never meant to kill him, just hurt him. But right when I start to think about all those things, my head and heart begin to hurt. I realize that Harry's death is partly my fault. He could still be alive if I would've just told the police about 'C' when I had the chance.

And sometimes when I need a break from all that thinking and wondering I just go to Randy's Bar&Grill and have a couple drinks. At least that's where I ended up at an hour ago when I needed a break from my thoughts.

By now, I was on my fourth drink. By my fourth drink I'm usually drunk, and I was. I took large sips of my drink.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" A boy asked, pointing at the chair next to me. He had short, messy dark hair and blue eyes. He wore a red and black flannel.

I shook my head 'no' and he sat down. When he sat down he looked at me. He probably wants to start a conversation with me.

"I'm Alex, by the way." He greeted.

"Cool." I smiled. "I'm Ashton."

Alex and I talked for a while. He told me that he just moved all by himself here last week. I don't remember how many more drinks I had or how many he had but the last thing I remember was taking silly pictures with him in a photo booth that you would usually see at malls.


Now I regret drinking so much. I feel awful. I can't even remember all that I did last night. It's 3 A.M. . I fell asleep sitting at the counter.

I looked over and there was a note and three pictures all in a small pile. I picked up the note and read it.

I had fun. Here's my number. -Alex

At the bottom of the note was his number. I set the note down and picked up the pictures. In the first one we were making silly faces. In the next one we made silly faces again, but we were slightly facing each other. Lastly, in the third, Alex and I weren't making silly faces. We were kissing.

Once I saw the picture I quickly grabbed the note and the three pictures and got up from where I was sitting. The Bar&Grill still had tons of people here considering it is 3 A.M. .

I wasn't mad at what I did in the third picture. I was drunk. So was he. You can't blame us for that.


I tried not to over think that picture of Alex and I. I wondered if he liked me or if he was just really drunk like I was. To take my mind off things, around 2 P.M. I drove to Frances Mental Institution. I decided it was time I asked Kaylee the questioned that I've wanted to ask her for a while now. When I got there I had to wear one of those visitor stickers.

Kaylee seemed surprised to see me. We walked to her room and the door had to stay open. The nurse stayed outside in the hall by the door.

"Out of all people, you were the last person I thought would ever visit me." She mumbled, sitting down on her bed. I sat down across from her on the chair.

"I didn't want to visit you," I muttered, looking at the ground and then at her. Her eyes were the perfect shade of green. "But I had something to ask you."

"Well, ask away." She replied, putting a strand of hair back behind her ear.

"Why did you kill Harry?" I asked with a serious tone. "Was that really necessary? Why didn't you just kill me instead?"

"Ashton, I have something I need to tell you and I need you to listen. Please." She said and I nodded.

"I swear I'm not this 'C' person." She started to say and I rolled my eyes but didn't interrupt her since I wanted to hear what she had to say. "After Michael and I started dating, I started getting these freaky texts from a blocked number. They went by the name 'C' and you all think that's me but it's not. They threatened me."

She paused for a minute and wiped her eyes before beginning.

"They said that if I didn't meet you guys that night and kill Michael then whoever 'C' is would kill me and Dr. Warren. Plus, 'C' threatened to send pictures of you next to Calum's grave with a shovel to the police. I didn't want to hurt Michael, I promise. I didn't want those pictures of you to get to the police either. Or for Dr. Warren to be killed. I was okay with me being killed though, I mean, at least Michael wouldn't hate me and maybe I wouldn't hate me either."

"Either you're a fantastic liar or your telling the truth." I said. I couldn't tell if she was lying or not.

"And no, I didn't kill Harry or kidnap him that day. I had nothing to do with that. Please, you gotta believe me." She pleaded. "Michael doesn't believe me. I understand if you don't believe me. It's just that nobody ever visits me and I could really use a friend."

"Kaylee, I think I believe you. I guess if you want, I could visit you again in two days?" I told her and not even a second after I finished my sentence, my phone vibrated. It was a text.

All it takes is a sappy story and you already want to be friends with the girl who nearly killed your best friend. -C


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