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Luke's POV

My brothers, my mum, my dad, my grandma, and I have been working hard to get money to get a new house. My brothers have jobs and they've been hiving my mum a little bit of money to help pay for a new house.

We found a nice house which is a block away from Michael's house. We will be moving there in a few days. I love my grandma and all but I hated living with her in her small house. Sleeping on the couch all the time isn't fun at all.

Michael's POV

When I nearly forgot about the room I rented at RedRoof Suites, I got a call from Chase Matthews, the guy who works there. At first I thought he had the wrong number because he called me Ben Garfield but them I remembered that was the name I used while there. Chase told me that room C1 was no longer rented out so I could rent it now if I wanted. Plus, he said that the person who rented it out before didn't want any of their stuff so I could have any of the stuff if I wanted which would be great.

I'd get to see where C lived, planned things, and most likely brought Harry when he got kidnapped. It is of course weird knowing that this is where Kaylee has been spending most of her time.

I've been thinking a lot lately and I've decided that 'C' is like a team. There must be more than one person behind all of this because how else would we get a text from 'C' if Kaylee didn't send it? She couldn't have sent it. She was with the police and on her way to the state mental institution. Surely, I have tons of questions for her which is why, after I go to RedRoof Suites and check out room C1, I am going to the state mental institution to maybe get some answers if I even get to talk to her. I don't even know if she's allowed to have visitors.


"Here's the key for the room," Chase said handing me the key for room C1. I took the key from him and walked down the hall to room C1. Luke and Ashton don't even know that I ever rented a room here or that I'm going into C's room. Some things you just got to do alone, and looking at somebody who tried to kill you and happened to be your girlfriend at the time's room is one of those things.

I admit, I was a bit nervous. What if someone was hiding in there and waiting to kill me? Maybe a bit nervous isn't the right words to describe how I was feeling as I began to unlock the door and turn the doorknob. I was terrified. Terrified of what could be in there. Terrified of what I'd find. Terrified of it all.

When I opened the door, I walked in the room cautiously. I closed the door behind me. This room was full. Pictures of Calum, Luke, Ashton, and I covered the walls. Kaylee had been following us for a long time. There were even pictures of our family members. There were even a few pictures of Harry before he was kidnapped by Kaylee.

But how could she have done all this on her own? There is no way this is just her doing all this. Maybe 'C' framed her or made her confess like she was 'C'? It could be like what 'C' did to Harry. 'C' threatened Harry and then killed him after Harry told Ashton about what happened. Maybe 'C' threatened Kaylee to confess for something she never did or 'C' would kill her.

I looked around the room a little more. On a desk in the corner, there were two journals. I opened the first one and the second one just so I could see who they belonged to. They were both Calum's. I decided I'd take then with me when I left. In the right corner of the desk was a box that looked like it could have jewelry in it. It had a note on top of it. I picked up the box and read the note.

I knew you'd come here, so I got you something. -C

My heart began beating faster than normal. I was afraid to open the box. Did Kaylee write this note? Did she get me whatever is in the box?

I opened the box. At first I was confused by what it was. That was until I picked it up. It was a necklace. A necklace made out of teeth and string. They are human teeth. I almost dropped the necklace. I was so surprised but at the same time I wasn't. 'C' is a sick person.

I put the necklace back inside the small box, along with the note. I grabbed the two journals, too, and I looked around the room for the last time before leaving.


When I got to the mental institution, I took the journal and the box with the necklace in it with me. Maybe Kaylee knows about them and can give me some answers.

"Excuse me, hi." I said to one of the nurses who worked at the front desk. "Is there any way I could speak to Kaylee Parker? She's a patient here and-"

"Kaylee Parker doesn't want visitors. I'm sorry." The nurse answered.

I turned to leave.

"Wait," Someone called out.

I looked around and it was Kaylee. She was walking into the room with a nurse by her side.

"I'm fine with him visiting me." Kaylee spoke to the nurse that told me she didn't want visitors. The nurse was about to say no. "Please."

"Alright, but young man, if you're going to be a visitor here you'll meed to wear this." The nurse answered, handing me a sticker to wear on my shirt that said Frances Mental Institution - Visitor.

The nurse that still stood next to Kaylee told us that we could talk in Kaylee's room.

"Julie, can I talk to him alone, please?" Kaylee asked the nurse whose name must be Julie.

Julie turned to look at me. "Are you okay with this?" She asked me. I nodded. "Okay, I'll be right outside the door and the door has to stay open."

Kaylee walked into her room and I followed her. Julie stood outside the door.

"What were you thinking coming here?" Kaylee said quietly.

"I needed some answers." I answered. "I went to room C1 at RedRoof Suites and I found a few things. How did you get these?" I asked her, holding up the two journals that belonged to Calum.

"I don't know. I've never seen them before in my life." Kaylee answered. She didn't sound like she was lying but then again she has lied about tons of things before. She is an excellent liar.

"Oh really?" I asked her.

"I'm being honest." Kaylee says. "Michael, it's not safe anymore. 'C' planning something big and it could happen at any moment."

"You were 'C', Kaylee, so why should I believe you?" I asked her.

"Please, you got to believe me." Either she was a really great liar or she really was worried about me not being safe.

"Who is 'C' now?" I questioned.

"I don't know, Michael. I really don't know." She answered. "But you have to believe me. 'C' is planning something big."

"How can I ever believe you or trust you ever again?" I began to say. "You lead me on to thinking you actually loved me. On top of that, you tried to kill me. Was our relationship a whole lie to you?"

"I was trying to protect you. I loved you." She said, tears forming in her eyes. She looked at me, then at the box in my hands. "What is that?"

"Don't act like you don't already know." I replied. I was angry with her. Tears formed in my eyes, too, but they weren't sad tears. They were angry tears. "Don't think I'm going to come back here. I'm not. I'm done talking to you. You and your little 'C' team ruined my life. You probably killed Calum just like you killed Harry and almost killed Luke when you hit him with a car and burned down his house."

I walked towards the door to leave.

"Michael, please." Kaylee cried.

"No, Kaylee. I'm sick and tired of all this and you." I didn't even turn to face her when I said what I said.

When I got out to my car I got a text.

She tried to warn you. -C


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