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In the morning I couldn't think straight. Did I dream that Calum was here or was he actually here? What happened?

I was home all alone so I told Michael and Luke that they can come over. I'm debating whether or not I should tell them about last night. They probably won't believe me either way.

I was sitting in the living room when I hear someone walking in. Maybe Michael and Luke are here.

"Michael?" I called. "Luke?" There wasn't an answer so I got up and walked over to the door. The door was wide open. Whoever came in is upstairs. I heard footsteps upstairs. Is 'C' in my room?

My heart was now beating so fast. I walked up the stairs. I was afraid of who I would find in my room. When I walked into my room, all I saw was someone in a black hoodie and all black climb out my window with something.

"Calum?" I asked and realized that I am officially loosing my mind. Do I really think that Calum is still alive even after I saw his dead body and after I saw him on the video- the CD! Please tell me 'C' didn't take the CD.

I walked over to my laptop and the CD was gone. We had something and now it's gone. God, I hate 'C' so much.

"Ashton?" I heard someone call downstairs. I walked out of my room. When I saw who it was I ran down the stairs as fast as I could.

"Harry!" I exclaimed, hugging him. "What happened? Who took you?"

"No one took me." Harry answered. "I ran away."

"Why would you do that?" I asked. Why would Harry run away?

"Because it's like nobody cares about me anymore." Harry says. "It's all about you, all about Calum, all about all four of you. I'm tired of it. Mum id always so worried about you and she never stops to ask me how I am doing."

I couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Harry, it's not just all about me-"

"Whatever," Harry rolled his eyes. "Oh and while I was gone, I did see someone, Ash. I saw Calum."


When Luke and Michael came over I told them about my 'dream' first.

"You probably just dreamed the whole thing!" Michael protested. "He is dead, Ash, and you know it. His blood was on my hands."

"I know, I know but it got even weirder." I started to stay. "Harry is back. He ran away. 'C' didn't kidnap him but he says he saw Calum."

"That's impossible." Michael says.

Michael and I turned to Luke. "What do you think, Luke?" Michael asked him.

"I'm not saying that Calum is dead or not but what if the person we found in that barn really wasn't Calum? Calum could be behind this whole 'C' thing." Luke suggested.

"Okay, that's a bit crazy, don't you think?" Michael chuckled. "Why would Calum even do this to us, huh? I was his best friend."

"Just think about it though." Luke says. "Calum could've came here last while Ash was asleep and Harry did see Calum while he was missing."

"Am I the only one here with common sense?" Michael asked. "We went to his funeral for God sakes!"

Michael had a point. We did go to his funeral and we were the ones who found his dead body. But Luke also had a point. What if someone just looks like him? 'C' could've messed with the computers and made it seem like that person is Calum.

"Guys. 'C' was in my house earlier and took something." I said changing the subject for Michael's sake.

"What did they take?" Luke asked.

"The CD. It's gone." I told them.

Harry's POV

After I took the CD from Ashton's computer, I climbed carefully out the window, just like I was told to do. I carried the CD as I ran to The Brew (a coffee shop). I was supposed to meet them there and give them the CD.

I knew I was going to have to lie to Ashton about how I was kidnapped by someone in all black. I will have to tell him that I ran away.

When I got to The Brew, I sat down at the table where another person in all black was sitting. I never saw the person's face. I handed them the CD and they handed me $100 and instructions on what I need to do now. I read over the paper.

Tell Ashton that you saw Calum. Lie and say that you ran away.

Meet me in the church parking lot tomorrow. -C

After I read the paper, I gave it back to the person who goes by the name 'C'. Then I left. I stuffed my black sweatshirt in my book bag before going home.

When I walked home, I walked slow. I needed time to think up a good lie to tell Ashton.


Sorry for the short chapter.

Should the next chapter be in Harry's POV about how he got kidnapped by 'C' and what happened between them?

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