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I walked into my house, and into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got out a Cherry Pepsi.

"Are you staying for lunch?" Brent asked me, walking into the kitchen.

"No," I replied, setting my Cherry Pepsi on the table. "Where is my mum and Lauren?"

"Shopping." He said. "Listen, I know that I'm not your dad. I will never be your dad but I don't want you to always have to argue with me, Ash."

"I'm not having this conversation with you." I told him, starting to walk out of the kitchen. Brent grabbed my arm tightly. His grip on my arm was so strong that my arm began to turn red.

"I know what you did and I'm telling." I yelled at Brent angrily. He let go of me and had a nervous expression on his face.

"What are you talking about?" Brent asked.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know you killed Calum. It's over now, Brent. Your secret is out."

"Do you hear yourself?" He exclaimed. "You're accusing me- your stepdad- of killing your friend?"

"We have the video, Brent. It's over." I told him, before turning around and walking towards the door to leave.

Behind me, I heard him following me. I heard something that sounded like he loaded a gun. I turned around and I was right. He had a gun and was pointing it towards me.

"Get in your car, Ash. We're going for a little ride." Brent ordered.

I walked out to the car and sat in the driver's seat, not wanting to get shot. I was scared. I was shaking. Brent got into the passenger seat, still pointing the gun at me. I started the car.

"Give me your phone."

I did as he said and gave him my phone. He put my phone in his pocket and gave me directions. I began driving. I had no clue where it was he was having me drive to. All I knew was that it was out of town.

After ten minutes of driving in silence, I got enough courage to speak.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him nervously.

"If I were you, I would be careful about what I say." Was all he said.

After a few more minutes, he told me to turn down a dirt road. I did. On both sides of the road were trees. At the end of the road was an old lake house. Nearby was a lake.

"Get out of the car," Brent said. I got out of the car and walked me into the lake house.

Inside was a dining room. There was a table and chairs. I kept thinking to myself he's going to kill me here.

"Sit." He ordered, gesturing to the chair that he just moved to the middle of the room. I sat down. He walked over to the table, which had a cardboard box on it. He grabbed some rope and some duct tape out of the box and carried it over to me.

He started tying me to the chair. Suddenly, I punched him as hard as I could. He pulled back his fist and punched me twice in the face. I didn't move to avoid his punch. He finished tying me up before duct taping my mouth.

When he was finished, he walked out. I heard him get in the car and drive away. I was left there, all alone.


"Where is Ash?" I asked Luke as we sat on my front porch, waiting for Ash to come so we can go to the police station and show them the video.

"I don't know. Maybe he is with Alex?" Luke suggested and I shrugged.

"Maybe we should just go without him." I said, standing up.

"You sure?" Luke asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I just want Brent to be arrested already. I want this to be over."

Luke agreed with me.

We got in my car and I drove to the police station. When we got there, we told an officer that we found a video that could help them find Calum's murderer. Two detectives for Calum's case took us into a room and played the video.

"That's Brent," One of them said.

They both left the room, and before we knew it, cops got in their cars and probably left to go arrest Brent.


The police walked into Ashton's house since the door was unlocked. They began searching the house for Brent.

They found him in the backyard, laying on the patio, dead. There was a gun and a suicide note on the ground. There was a pool of blood surrounding his head.

Back at the lake house, Ashton sat there, all alone. He thought that nobody would ever find him and perhaps his friends would think he was dead.

What are your opinions on this chapter? Did you like it? Is it suspenseful? Are you excited for the next chapter?

I hope you likes it.

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