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Harry's POV, the day he went missing.

I was walking home from school when someone grabbed me from behind, covered my mouth with their hand, and put me in their car.

When I looked over to look at the person, I couldn't even see their face. They wore all black; black pants, black shoes, and a black hoodie. They had their hood up.

I didn't dare to speak to them. I was afraid. They drove out of town all the way to another town. They stopped driving and parked the car at an apartment. The apartment number was C1.

We went inside the person pointed at a table with two chairs. I guess they wanted me to sit down so I sat. We were in the kitchen. The person walked over to the coffee maker and poured themselves some coffee. Then they put a piece of paper in front of me. It was a note addressed to me.


I need you to stay here for the next couple days. It's for Ashton's sake. I'll pay you $100 to complete this simple task. You mustn't contact your family during these few days. If you don't do so there will be consequences do to the fact that you can tell someone about this. If you don't stay here Ashton will be killed in the next 48 hours. It's your choice. -C

After reading the note I wanted to scream or call for help. I'm in a room with a murderer. They could kill Ashton. They can't do that! Or can they? Ashton is my big brother. They can't take him away from me. I love him. I have to protect Ash.

"I'll do it," I announced nervously, nodding my head.

Why does this person dressed in all black call their self 'C' anyway? Is that a code name? Who are they anyway?

I wanted to turn around and take off their hood to reveal the person behind me. I started to get chills realizing that this person could've killed Calum.

Nobody knows that I know someone killed Calum but I heard Brent talking on the phone one night.

'C' took me to another room which had a bed in it. It looked like a bedroom so it must be a bedroom. As we walked past other rooms, one room's door was partially opened and I could see in the room. Pictures of Calum, Luke, Ashton, and Michael filled up the walls.

What is this place?

// So, this chapter is super duper short and I wouldn't really call it a chapter. I just wanted to wrote what happened to Harry. I hope you like it! Sorry it takes me so long to update! The next chapter should be up really soon and to make up for this short chapter I'll make chapter twenty longer. Okay bye lovelies. \\

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