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"Why were you boys at the barn in the first place?" My mums ex asked us. It was a bit awkward for me. He said we can just call him Brent.

"We used to go there as kids and we wanted to go back one last time." Luke lied.

"Why did you guys have hammers?" He asked.

"They're Ashton's." Michael replied and Brent looked at me.

"A few weeks ago I had to help my grandma fix her fence. I never had time to take the tools out of my trunk." I told Brent.

"Any ideas on who could've killed Calum?" He asked.

"Andrew Parker." Michael answered, sounding confident in his answer.

"The one who had the halloween party?" he asked.

"Yeah." Michael replied.

"So he didn't commit suicide?" Luke asked.

"No, he did not. He was already dead." Brent said.

"How was he already dead?" I asked.

"He has bruises all over his body and a few cracked and broken bones. He was beaten." Brent told us.

"With what?" Michael questioned.

"I'll be the one who asks the questions here." Brent stated. "You guys are free to go, except Ashton."

Luke and Michael told me they'd wait outside for me. I stood up also.

"I hope you know that I'm coming over for dinner tonight." Brent says. "I don't want you to mess things up this time, you hear? So don't bother trying to keep us apart again because we are in love alright!"

"Why would she love you? You left her." I answered.

"She always has loved me." Brent started. "I had to leave because my mum was in the hospital. I gave Harry a letter that he was supposed to give to your mum, didn't she get it?"

"We ripped it up and threw it away." I replied walking towards the door to leave. I got into my car and dropped off Luke and Michael at their houses.

I can't believe my mum is seeing Brent again after he left her. He's a total jerk. I wouldn't be surprised if the only reason he wanted to help solve this case was to get closer to my mum only to leave her again. He was with her for about eight months and then the night Calum went missing he left.


The second my mum started making dinner and setting plates and silverware on the table I went straight to my room. I didn't close the door though. I wanted to be able to hear what Brent and my mum say when he gets here.

I heard a car pull in the drive way so I looked outside expecting to see Brent but it was just my aunt dropping of my sister Lauren and Harry.

Harry walked into my room and looked at me.

"What?" I asked, standing up and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Mum wants you to come downstairs because her friend is on their way here." Harry told me.

"Of course she does." I muttered walking towards my door. "Oh and by the way, her friend is Brent."

I walked downstairs with Harry right behind me. When I got to the bottom of the steps someone -most likely Brent- was knocking on the door.

"Ash, can you get that for me?" My mum called from the kitchen.

I should've stayed in my room so I wouldn't have to answer the door and see Brent.

I opened the door and Brent was dressed nice and he had flowers. It was obvious he was wearing tons of cologne because I bet Michael can smell it all the way at his house.

"Hello, boys." Brent greeted and smiled. "Harry, why don't you go put these in a vase for me?" He handed Harry the flowers and Harry walked into the kitchen.

I could hear my mum say "Oh these flowers are lovely!" all the way in the kitchen.

Brent walked in and I closed the doors.

"Girls love flowers." Brent said to me.

"So, are you just going to buy her tons of flowers to win her over?" I rolled my eyes.

"That attitude won't get you nowhere in life." Brent remarked.

"I don't have an attitude." I said trying not to loose my temper with Brent.

We walked into the kitchen and all sat at the table. I didn't want to have dinner with Brent sitting right across from me. Let's just say I do not necessarily like Brent whatsoever. When he was with my mum I came home early and I saw him kissing another girl. He told me that if I told my mum I'd regret it so I never told her. She still doesn't know about it. Ever since then my 'friendship' with Brent went downhill and I lost all respect for him.

My mum asked Harry and Lauren about what they did with my aunt. The only reason they were at my aunts was because my mum came to the old barn and so did Luke and Michael's parents. My mum didn't want Harry and Lauren to come so she took them to my aunts.

Eventually the conversation changed and Brent was talking about his job as a cop. Harry kept asking questions about what it was like being a cop as if he wanted to be a cop too.

"Is it fun riding in a police car with the sirens on?" Harry asked Brent.

"Yeah it is but it's also a bit scary because you never know what's going to happen next." Brent said.

"That must be nice for you to be able to finally ride up front for a change." I replied and my mum looked surprised I said such a thing.

"Ashton." My mum gave me a dirty look.

"It's okay." Brent says looking at me then my mum, then at me again. "He was just joking." He glared at me because he knew I wasn't joking.

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