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Michael's POV

Ever since what happened yesterday I have been very paranoid. I feel like someone is always watching me. I can't sleep without looking in my closet and making sure the windows are locked shut. I can't even go to the bathroom without looking behind the shower curtain to make sure 'C' isn't spying on me.

Luckily, nobody besides Luke and Ashton know about the message on the wall from 'C'. It's a good thing we bought too much pain when painting the kitchen or else I would've been out of luck.

I walked into the kitchen to get something to eat but then I heard someone talking outside. I walked over to the window and looked. There was a moving truck parked in front of the house next door. That house has been empty for the past five months. That house was where the Halloween party was that Calum went to and wanted us to go to.

I wonder who is moving in. I guess I'll find out soon since my mom will probably make me take over cookies or something to 'welcome them to the lovely neighborhood' -as she calls it anyway.


I was right. When my mom got home she baked cookies to give to our new neighbors and was making me take them over to them. She wouldn't even let me eat just one cookie. She put the cookies all in a plastic container with a lid. As I walked out the door with the container full of cookies, I tried to open the container to sneak a cookie. It's not like anyone will notice if I snuck one cookie.

I quickly ate the cookie before walking over to there house. Being at this house is so weird for me. It's weird because somebody at that party could've killed Calum. It makes me feel like I'm going to throw up just thinking about it.

I knocked on the door two times before anyone answered. He didn't even have to introduce himself because I know exactly who he is.

"Andrew?" I asked, surprised that he is the one moving back in.

Andrew Parker was the idiot who had the Halloween party. Of course he probably doesn't remember that party whatsoever because he was too busy doing drugs with his friends in the basement.

"I'd prefer if you called me Drew." Andrew who now wants me to call him Drew said.

"Okay, Drew." I muttered rolling my eyes. "My mom baked some cookies for you and whoever is living here. Sorry but the cookies are in fact drug free." I snickered handing him the container but he didn't find what I said funny at all.

He walked closer to me and looked me in the eyes. "Don't think I won't tell your mother about you making a special appearance at my party because I will gladly tell her. If you stay quiet about what I did that night I will be quiet about what you did too. So, if I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut, Clifford." He remarked.

"It's too late because Luke and Ashton already know about what you did." I replied, immediately regretting saying that. Now he's going to tell my mum about what I did at the Halloween party.

The only reason I was even at that party was to go get Calum. A few older guys offered me some vodka or wine or something like that. I said no and they thought that if I didn't drink it I was under age -which I was- and I would have to leave the party immediately meaning I wouldn't be able to find Calum and tell him that his mum is at my house wondering where he is. I didn't want Calum to get in trouble by his mum for being at a party he wasn't supposed to be at and doing only God knows what so I drank it.

"Are you asking me to tell your parents about it too?" He asked.

"No." Was all I could say.

"So keep your big mouth shut."

"Or what?" I questioned. "Are you going to kill me like you did Calum?" By now I was mad at him an the words sort just slipped out.

"I didn't kill Calum!" He exclaimed. "Maybe all those secrets he had killed him."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, surprised that he said that.

"I'm surprise you don't know what I mean since you yourself have secrets of your own and I can see it in your eyes it's just killing you alive." He scoffed. "It's my first day back and I don't need the cops to come knocking on my door. If you tell anybody about that night you'll be sorry."

Before I could say anything he walked inside with the container full of cookies. As I walked back home I got a text from C.

If these secrets are what's killing you alive I guess we should have more secrets so my job can be way easier, my friend. -C

My hands began to shake and I had to put my phone in my pocket so I wouldn't drop it. 'C' is trying to kill me. I tried to stay calm but how can I stay calm when 'C' is trying to kill me?

When I got home I told my mum I had to go to Ashton's house. Then I walked outside all the way to Ashton's house. Lucky for me he only lives a block away. I was scared to drive because there is a chance 'C' did something to the car to kill me.

Now I was even more paranoid. I heard footsteps behind me so I began running as fast as I could to Ashton's house. The footsteps behind me became louder too as they began running after me. My heart was now beating so fast and I was having trouble catching my breath.

As I ran up the steps to Ashton's porch the footsteps behind me disappeared. After knocking on the door I heard the footsteps again behind me.

"I thought I lost you." Said the person who was now standing inches behind me as they were also now standing on the porch.

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