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"I do like you, Alex, like a lot but..." I trailed off. I was nervous. How was I supposed to tell my mum about Alex? After what happened with Luke today I don't want to tell anybody but I have to. But what if everyone hate me? What about my mum? Will she be disappointed to have me as her son?

I also don't want 'C' to hurt him. I don't want him to get hurt.

"But what?" He asked me, looking into my eyes.

"But I don't know. I just don't want you getting hurt." I told him.

"Listen Ash, I like you and you seem like you're not so sure about there being an us, so I'm just going to give you some time to think about everything." Alex replied, standing up and pushing in his chair. "If you decide that you want to be with me, then just call me or come to my apartment and tell me. And if not, then I'll understand."

That was all Alex said before leaving.

I didn't leave. I stayed for a few hours. I ordered a milkshake while I tried to come to conclusions on whether or not I wanted to be with Alex.

I decided I wanted to. I decided that I liked him a lot. But if I were to be with him, I'd have to tell him about 'C' first. He needs to know that if he wants to be with me that 'C' is dangerous and can hurt people easily.

I decided to go to his apartment and talk to him. His apartment building was nice looking. I hesitated before knocking. I stood there, nervously, in front of his door. After taking a deep breath, I knocked. He answered the door.

"Hey," he smiled. "Come on in."

I walked in. His apartment wasn't messy. We sat down on his couch. I started to feel nervous, getting a feeling as if millions of butterflies were flying around in my stomach.

"I've decided that I do want to be with you, Alex, but I think I have something important I need to talk to you about first." I told him. He nodded and I continued. "One of my old best friends went missing not too long ago and a few months ago we started getting these crazy texts from a blocked number. One of the texts was just an address and we went to to where the text said." I paused for a moment and took a deep breath.

"We found my friend hanging in the building dead. We still get those awful texts. I don't even know who is sending them. My friend, Michael's girlfriend almost tried to kill him because she was forced to pretend to be this person that keeps sending the texts." I started to get tears in my eyes. Alex was listening. "That awful person who goes by the name 'C', he uh - he took my brother's life."

By now I was full on crying. "You probably think I'm insane and making all this up, don't you?" I asked him, wiping tears from my eyes.

"No, Ash," He answered, holding my hands. "I believe you."

"I'm sorry. I probably seem like a baby crying like this." I apologized, wiping my eyes. I wanted to stop crying but I couldn't. I was letting out all of these bottled up feelings.

"Don't apologize," Alex says, pulling me into a hug.


We stayed like that for a while, all cuddled up on the couch, just talking.

"Why haven't you told the police about 'C'?" Alex asked me and I shrugged.

"They'd probably think we were crazy. Our parents don't even know." I answered. "Promise me you won't tell anyone, okay?"

"I promise." He promised me.

We sat there in silence for a minute and them my phone rang. I was afraid it was 'C' but it was Luke. He was calling me and I declined it.

"Who is it?" Alex asked me.

"It's just Luke." I answered.

"Your friend?"

"I don't know if we're still friends anymore honestly," I told him. "We got into a fight today."

My phone rang again and I quickly decline the call again.

"Maybe you should answer." Alex said. "He seems to really want to talk to you."

I put my phone on silent so we wouldn't hear it ring ever two minutes from Luke calling me.


After trying to call Ashton numerous times, I gave up on him answering. It was obvious that he was mad at me. I didn't want him to be mad at me. I didn't mean what I said either. If he's happy then that's a good thing. It's good that he's found someone that makes him happy, especially after everything that happened with Harry.

I called Michael to see if he knew where Ash was and he didn't know. I told him about Ashton and that boy he liked. Michael seemed surprised.

After our call ended I called his mum.

"Do you know where Ash is? I've been calling him but he won't answer." I said.

"Is he at Michael's?" She asked and I said no.

"Maybe he's at Alex's." I blurted out accidentally. I realized that he probably hasn't told his mum yet.

"Who is Alex?" She asked me and I knew I couldn't lie to her and then have Ashton telling her something else.

"He's a good new friend of his. You should meet him sometime." I replied. "I bet you'll like him. Ashton seems to really like him."


So this chapter took a while and I'm very sorry. I hope this chapter didn't suck. I've just had a serious case of writers block lately... Anyways, what do you think is going to happen next?

QOTD: Do you think Ashton is going to tell him mum that he likes Alex or do you think he is going to keep it a secret for a while?

Vote & comment! I love getting feedback!

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