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"Where have you been?" My mum asked me the second I walked in, getting up from the couch and walking over to me.

"At Luke's." I lied, taking of my shoes.

"Luke called me and said he didn't know where you were. He was trying to call you." She told me. "I'm not going to ask you again, where were you?"

Before I answered, Brent walked in with pizzas. He walked over to my mum and they kissed. I rolled my eyes. I turned to walk upstairs.

"We'll finish our talk in a minute." My mum says before kissing Brent again. I noticed that she was wearing a ring. Was that an engagement ring?

"Ash, can you take Lauren up some pizza when you go upstairs?" My mum asked me.

Brent was now in the kitchen, getting out plates. He set the two pizza boxes on the table. I put two pieces of pizza on Lauren's plate; one slice pepperoni and one slice of cheese. I also got her a can of lemonade incase she was thirsty too.

Since what happened with Harry, she hasn't been leaving her room much. When I walked into her room, she didn't even notice my presence. She was laying on her bed, listening to music, and typing quickly on her laptop.

"Hey," I said loudly, and she looked over at me, taking out her earphones.

"What?" She asked me, sounding eager for me to leave so she can continue listening to her music.

"I brought you food and drinks." I told her, setting the food and drinks down on the table beside her bed.

"I'm not hungry." She simply answered.

"You need to eat something." I said. "I know it's been hard with everything that's happened lately but trust me, sitting around, crying, and not eating will not help anything."

"It's just that..." She didn't finish her sentence.

"It's just what?" I asked her.

"It's just that mum always is so worried and focused on you. It's always gotta be about you. Whether she's worried what tome you'll be home or who you're with or if you got enough sleep." She said looking into my eyes. "Nobody ever asks how I am doing anymore. Nobody cares about me anymore and if you say that's not true than you are lying to yourself. I bet you don't even remember the last time anybody asked me how I was doing."

"Lauren, it's not true." I said, shocked that she felt like nobody cared about her anymore.

"I wish it was me instead of Harry," She mumbled, a tear falling. "It should've been me. If it was me, it'd just be better. Harry would be here, and you and mum wouldn't be as sad all the time."

You know how when someone just bottles up there emotions for a long time and then all of a sudden you just have had enough and you let it all out? Like I did when talking to Alex? This is what it was like with Lauren. She was just releasing all of the bottled up emotions and quite frankly, I knew exactly how she felt.

"Not for a second did any of us stop caring about you and don't think that we did," I told her. "When I first got the news, I thought that it should've been me instead, but that doesn't solve anything, blaming yourself all the time."

"Thanks for everything, Ash," She smiled a little, and wiped her eyes. "You're a great brother."

After I left Lauren's room, I walked into my room and sat down on my bed. A few minutes later my mum walked on.

"Care to explain who is Alex and where you actually were?" She asked me, putting her hands on her hips.

"I- uh- um..." I started getting nervous. What if she hates me after I tell her what I am about to tell her? Will she kick me out? Will she be disappointed in me?

"I don't know how else I'm supposed to say this, so I'm just going to come out and say. I'm gay. I met Alex a couple days ago at a bar and I like him a lot." I explained. "I understand if you don't love me anymore or if you are disappointed-"

She cut me off my hugging me.

"I could never hate you, Ash." She said as we hugged. "I'm not disappointed in you either. I love you just the same."

I was relieved. I felt like this weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was glad that she accepted me for who I was. Shortly after I became mad when I got a text from the one and only, 'C'.

Maybe if your dad wouldn't have left you wouldn't have become the way you are now. -C

Later that night, I wanted to call Luke and tell him that I told my mum but I was still mad at him. Instead, I texted and told him that we needed to talk and he said for me to meet him at his house. Right before I was about to tell my mum I was leaving, Michael texted me.

S.O.S. -Michael


So this is just a quick little chapter for you guys! I hope you liked it. ♡

What do you think is happening with Michael that made him send the 'S.O.S.' text?

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•If you would do it, just comment some questions you have about the story/characters or anything that has to do with the story.

•If not, just pretend this little Q&A thing never happened haha.

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