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"You know our therapist will be at this funeral, right?" Ashton said as Luke got in my car.

"What?" I asked shocked that they'd let the therapist come to Calum's funeral.

"Yeah, she wants to see how we act during all of this and how we face problems, I guess." Ash shrugged.

"We have to meet with her today after the funeral." Luke replied. "Didn't your mum tell you that?"

"No." I sighed. "I kinda said some things to her that were uncalled for."

"I said something while Brent was over to dinner and my mum is mad at me too." Ash says as I pull into the parking lot for the funeral home.

"What'd you say?" I asked.

"He was telling Harry something about riding a cop car and I said that it must be nice for him to be able to ride upfront for a change." Ash told me.

Luke and I laughed. We all got out of the car and walked into the funeral home. It was big and white. Inside, Calum's family was already there and other friends and family members of his were here. In the front of the room was his coffin and he was laying inside. Next to his coffin was a podium and a picture of him smiling.

Cal's mum came over to us and walked us over to the podium as she whispered some things to us about Calum and how he was too young.

"Guys, what is he doing here?" I whispered to Ash and Luke. We all stared as a boy named Tyson walked in and sat down.

"Cal hates him." Luke replied. "Why would he be here?"

"I don't know." I shook my head.

Tyson is our age and has dark hair which isn't very long. He isn't too tall but isn't too short either. He has hazel eyes which sometimes tend to change. Somedays they are green, others they are brown. Every great while they seem a bit blue.

Calum's mum finished talking and welcomed us to the podium to say our little 'goodbye speech'.

"Calum was too young." I began. "He will be missed not only by his family and friends but by everyone who ever knew him. He was always smiling and happy. He had a great personality. That was what -I think- we all loved about him."

"Most people value lives by how many days or years or months they have lived. I wish Calum could've had many more. He deserves it." Ashton started. "The years I've known Calum were the best years of my life."

"Growing up I had barely any friends so the day Calum became my friend was one of the best days of my life. It wasn't for him I wouldn't know these guys." Luke said looking at Ash and I. "Cal had this way of making us all feel special and happy. I miss him already."

Some people were crying. We walked back to our seats and sat back down and listened as a few other people spoke.

When the funeral was over our therapist introduced herself to us.

"Hello, I am your therapist, Dr. Warren." She greeted. "Are you guys ready to go back to my office and talk?"

"Not really but we don't have a choice." I answered.

She got in her car and Luke and Ashton got in mine. I followed her to the office. We didn't talk at all on the ride there. When we got there we walked inside and sat down on a couch and she sat in a chair.

She looked at us as if we were supposed to say something. After a few minutes she finally said something.

"So, is there anything you want to talk about?" She asked.

"You can't tell anybody anything we say, right?" Luke asked.

"Right. Unless what you tell me can harm yourself or somebody else." She answered.

None of us said anything back. We just sat there quietly, staring around the room. It was a bit awkward.

"Can we go now?" I asked.

"Uh yeah, sure." She replied standing up.

We all stood up and she opened the door. The second we got in my car we all felt like we could finally talk again.

"Should we have told her about 'C'?" Ash asked.

"I don't know." I sighed. "What if 'C' is dangerous? We could just be putting her in danger too."

"Good point." Ash replied.

"But what about us?" Luke questioned. "I don't want to be put in danger either."

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